Chapter 4-A Fun Get-away (Edited)

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A/N- this is dedicated to anyone who has read, voted, commented or fanned.

Chapter 4

"Uh...", still pretty dumbstruck I looked away and tried to think of anything to come up with. Unknowingly my eyes flickered over his form appreciating the way the black of his t-shirt defined his muscles and enhanced his tan.

Damn, now his gonna think I like him cause I'm checking him out. No, wait? Checking him out? Arghh, I think I hit my head a lot harder than I originally thought. Looking back to his face I see that he was still expecting an answer. I realised that I hadn't argued with him about his actions towards me, as if I was being submissive. I wanted to give him a rude awakening to how I really felt. 

Deciding to answer nonchalantly, while trying to walk around him as I was backed in the corner, I say, "Well you know, I've always wanted to see what it's like having a man panting after me and...well now I've seen a dog panting after me."

Looking into his eyes I saw the slight confusion and then the boiling anger brewing when he realised what I had just done. I insulted him big time, being called a 'dog' isn't really taken lightly. Especially if that someone is an Alpha and the one doing the insulting is his mate. Stepping lightly back I put the ice wrapped in a tea towel on the counter top I just passed.

His dark eyes seem to swirl maliciously as he stepped towards me. Deciding this mutt needed to see more of the non-submissive me I finally concluded what I would do. I knew telling him I didn't want him would only make him more possessive of me and make his wolf come out, so I've decided to play with the Monster.

Give him a bit of a chase, with a chase I wont be near him as much. I'm just dreading it when he catches me however with no chase he would already think he has caught me. Resulting in him being near me already. 

Even though I didn't want to get any closer to him, I had to step up on my toes to look in his eyes and I could feel his breath wash over my face, I needed to throw him off a bit. Distract him.

"But look the puppy's not panting." I cooed to him like he was a baby, taunting him by inching my lips closer to his. "So, start panting...wolf man...", I whispered to him breathlessly then I looked up into his eyes to see his anger turn to lust. Oops, I may have gone a bit too far. With him finally distracted I brought my hands up to his firm chest and gave a quick shove trying not to think about how good this man's body felt.

He staggered back in surprise and that was my que. I bolted it out of there with my golden hair flying with how fast I was running. I didn't look back knowing that if I did I would most likely run into a door again. I heard a thundering growl quake the 'Town Hall', I'm sure everyone heard him. I pumped my legs faster and bent my head down to gain speed. 

Finally getting outside I clung to the grand front doors trying to catch my breath. I really ain't fit. I brush my hair out of my face to squint into the the last bit of light from the setting sun. I look around the driveway trying to find....aha, there it is! I yank Reece's keys out of my pocket in desperation while jogging over to his red motorbike.

Getting the helmet out of the compartment I put it on my head, I didn't want my hair getting in my way and causing me to crash. I swung my left leg over the bike and slot the key in the hole and revved the engine. I looked to the doors and saw Alpha Logan glaring at me with a few of his pack members behind him. Guess what? He was panting.

So I shouted out over the rumble of the bike, "Keep panting Baby!", in a sarcastic tone. I knew he heard me by the roar he let slip past his lips, it sounded frustrated and lustful. I closed the visor on the helmet then I took my hand  off the brake and flew forward down the driveway with the gravel flying up in the air. The chase is on!

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