Chapter 12-The Power of The Bite

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Chapter 12

After the quite embarrassing task of Mr. Monster cleaning every part of me.....and I mean every part, we got dressed. I even had to insist quite harshly about how I'm not a baby and I can dress myself. The obsessive freak finds an excuse to touch me all the time.

For breakfast we had a cheese and ham toasted sandwich, and I mean we as he only got out one plate again. But there were two sandwiches. Logan has just shut the front door and I'm observing a hallway I have never been in before - one I'm sure I will have to be in frequently now as I live here. My heart twists painfully at the sudden realisation that I'm never going home again; I won't see Sonny being the curious little monkey he is everyday. I'm sure I will see them now and again but that's the thing, it's just now and again. I force back the tears, my future is going to consist of being babied everyday by the Alpha. I thought graduating would help me become more of an adult but it seems to be going backwards. Moving out is the only mature thing that has happened - though unwillingly. Oh yeah, I suppose having a Mate is too as they're classed as being in a mature relationship. Yet, I don't see him letting me be mature, I think bitterly.

Walking down the red wallpapered hallway, without waiting for him, I head to the shiny silver elevator to press the button on the side so it lights up green. "Have you already forgotten, Ve?", I turn around to seem him scolding at me, making me feel more like a child than I already do. His hand, palm facing up, stretched towards me as he starts to walk down the hallway. I heave a sigh and let him take my left hand. His big hot hand covering most of mine.

A ping alerts us the elevator has arrived and we walk into it. When the doors close Logan presses a button on the wall, being with him in a enclosed space is exactly like the shower - his size makes the place seem small. I shiver at the thought of the shower, unfortunately he notices. I look up ready for him to baby me and tell me about how not wearing a jacket was not the brightest idea for my health. Instead, he just keeps looking into my eyes. I begin to become uncomfortable and bite my bottom lip. This seems to be the most stupidest thing I have ever done in my life as the next thing I know Logan has imprisoned me in his massive arms then has captured my mouth with his.

I make noises in protest as he keeps trying to get my mouth to move in sync with his. I don't want this! I try to say it but it just seems to give his tongue an opening to invade my mouth. As his tongue starts to massage and coax mine to move with his the mark on the crook of my neck starts to tingle. Pleasantly. Without a conscious thought my tongue responds to his - his warm tasteful tongue. My mind is pushed to the back as my body's responses become priority. Nothing matters now - it doesn't require thinking as all I can do is feel. Feel him.

A familiar high pitched ping goes faintly off in the background. The background to this fuzzy warm haze that seems to coat my body and Logan's - connecting us. I feel his tongue give one last brush on mine then his mouth isn't covering mine no more and then I open my eyes - unaware that I had even closed them. The haze starts to fade and then it's like a bucket of cold water has been thrown on me. Everything comes back into focus, everything that I believe in.

With everything coming back into focus I take in the smug grin plastered on Logan's face, his newly wet lips parting to flash me white teeth. Actually, they're looking pretty sharp right now. I look up into his eyes, expecting just black but now there's hazel tinted in there. A preview to the beast's eyes. Gosh, this little encounter of physical contact has awoke the wolf from it's slumber. With a tug on the hand, that Logan had hold of earlier, he pulls me out of the elevator. I seem to need his assistance now as mind tries to catch up with the previous event.

If I could glare at my neck right now I would, I should have known when he bit me that this would happen. You could say that I'm not an expert on Werewolf history and everything. I didn't bother paying attention in class but I do remember something's. One that is very important right now is the scientific side of the Mating Mark. Not only is it used for a warning to all other males that the female is mated but it also affects the female too, emotionally and physically. When the male bites her some kind of hormone or chemical, I'm not sure which, is put into her blood stream. Each male has a unique substance so only they can get a real reaction out of the mate. The female will only ever be attracted to the one male.  

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