Chapter 2-The Dreadful Word That Is.....Mate (Edited)

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Chapter 2

Later that night I was in my bedroom trying to decide what to wear. I may not like the Monsters but that didn't mean I didn't want to look good, even though it may attract some unwanted attention. I scan my whole normal sized wardrobe to go over my options again. Okay, so far I've been thinking about dark blue skinny jeans paired with red converse and a fitting black tank top. Or denim shorts that reach mid-thigh with rips with the same converse and a red tank top with a long fitting black cardigan.

I walk over my purple fluffy rug, the material engulfing my bare toes, to open my window. Keeping one hand on the towel wrapped round my recently showered body and then using my other hand to budge the window open. Looking over the trees that were positioned at the bottom of my yard I see the sun casting an orange warm glow. Reaching my tanned arm out of the open window I felt the warm breeze and decided that the outfit with the shorts was good enough.

Turning around I leave the window open and drop my towel to collect my black lace panties and bra. Then I put my chosen outfit on. Going down our hall to the family bathroom I blow dry my hair and leave the still wet strands to dry naturally. Reaching into one of the many cabinets I  pulled out my makeup bag; taking out my mascara, eyeliner and warm brown eye shadow I began to apply it all.

Obviously not too heavy, didn't wanna look like a drag queen. I didn't put any foundation on as my skin is fine naturally. Putting a brush through my hair one last time I decide I look fine in the mirror.

Strolling down the stairs I see my Dad trying to show Sonny how to tie his shoelaces again in the living room. Turning into the kitchen I took in the familiar sight of the blue tiles and light wood decor. Noticing my Mum with her head stuck in the fridge I creep up behind her and lightly nudge her summer dress clad back.

I leap back when Mum spins around with a hand to her heart with a pinkish tint to her cheeks showing she was flustered. "Don't do that!" she scolded me with a motherly tone while hitting my arm gently to emphasis her point.

"I just wanted to tell you how lovely you look though Ma' ", I tell her with a cheeky grin but with honest eyes. Her light green floor length dress compliments her blonde locks and sparkling emerald eyes.

"Well, next time don't be so quiet", she scolds me fondly.

"What ya looking for?", I question her tilting my head to the side.

"Oh...just some wine for the BBQ. Do you know where i put the red one?" She questions me as she resumes rummaging through the fridge.

"Cupboard up top", I tell her. I turn around to exit the kitchen to hear my Mum call me back. "Mmmm?", I lazily reply.

"Can you please get it for me?", she replies sheepishly, then I notice her standing on her tiptoes in her sandals reaching as far as she could. Giggling softly I move towards her to get the wine down but then I had an idea.

"Ma' if i get it down for you, can you promise to not intervene with me and alcohol tonight?", I plead her with my best puppy dog eyes.

" fine. Just not too much, you hear me?"She points at me with the wine bottle in my direction. I nod my head with a smile on my face, positive that my eyes are most likely dancing with joy.

"I don't wanna drag you out again, God knows you can't even stand on your own two feet sober.", I hear her mumble under her breath. I ignore her comment about what happened at the last pack party, something I truthfully don't remember. Also about comment on my balance; I mean I'm not that bad, I may be a bit clumsy sometimes but it thankfully doesn't happen very often.

Gazing out of the car window I sigh, I know Mum seemed quite calm about this whole mixing with the Werewolves thing but I knew she was slightly nervous. See Mum's problem with them is that they make her anxious, she's just scared of them. Cause of Mum's fear my Dad has no choice but to be a bit ticked that his wife is constantly worried.

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