Chapter 25-Disobeying to Realise

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I know i haven't updated in a while it's  just that I can't find the time in my schedule of school, exams and life.

Please understand.

Sorry but this is more of a filler chapter.

So all my core exams are finished but I still have two German speaking exams crammed in to do and I'm also quite busy lately as one of my really good friends is moving away and we're all trying to sort as much time together as we can. So yeah, hopefully you like this and sorry it's been so long.


Chapter 25

Logan's POV

Walking away from our apartment I could feel her. My Vanessa. Our bond stretched like an elastic band, but I could still feel her energy. Comforted with the knowledge she is safe and alive. Obvioulsy she wouldn't feel it. The downside of her being human; my feelings for her will never be recuperated but I can strengthen her's with time and love.

I need her to stay safe, we've been getting a smell of Rogues lately at the borders. I don't know why they're here but I suspect they have caught wind of me having a mate. An Alpha with a mate is a prospect they yearn for, destroying my mate would bring me down. I'd slowly die inside. And my pack would fall.

I will never let that happen. My mate is mine to protect and hold. My pack is my family. I will bring them down.

I growl in annoyance deep in my throat. Me, Jason and Max have been scouting the east borders in wolf form for an hour now and we haven't encoutered any Rogues. Let's head to the west, near downtown. Let's see if these assholes have gotten closer to the city, I mind linked to both of them.

I hear them both howl in response and pounding paws start to trample undergrowth and snap branches as they head to the west. I tense my leg muscles and spring over a fallen tree trunk and run full sprint for downtown. I keep my wolf nose close to the ground and inhale all the scents of the forest for tracks of the Rogues.

I stop in a clearing, my coal black fur blending in with the dark of the night, as I scout for any signs of movement with my night vision. The moons ethereal glow painting a pale light over my surroundings I sense the oncoming footfalls of my pack members and friends: Max and Jason.

Max's wolf jogs out first, two inches smaller than mine, but built like a grizzly bear with silvery blonde fur. He may be taller than me in human form but my Alpha power as a wolf makes me taller than him. It's doggy dog world. I see Jason come out from the brush next, a lean ash blonde wolf with a healthy amount of muscles. His smaller stature is made up by his speed, that sucker fast.

I nod my head down to the parting in the trees that slopes down to the edge of downtown. I can smell the stench of Rogues; a stale iron scent like dried blood and a combination of dirt and earth. These fella's have been on the road for a while. I wonder where they stay to come so far...but why?

 Only one way to find out.

We walk among the late night party goers of downtown, the best clubs always seem to be on 'the wrong side of town'. Women scantily dressed in tight dresses totter past us in heels that are too high for them to walk steadily in. The stench of alcohol that is proof of what they've been up to doesn't help their cause either.

As we stalk the streets for the purpose of that horrible smell in the forest we stop right outside a club I know very well. "Vortex", I say. I look over at Max and Jason dressed in casual clothing of jeans, tops and combat boots. Exactly what I am wearing. Not exactly party clothes but who cares, we're on the hunt for Rogues and this is what we fit into tree trunks for emergency's on all the border patrol lines. And this is definitely an emergency.

A very big one! I roar and catch the attention of all the people outside of the club. Not only have Rogues invaded my territory and actually had the audacity to come into the city but my mate fucking disobeyed me! I can smell her sweet delicious, mouth watering scent everywhere. She is clearly not in our apartment where I told her to stay put.

I hear Max growl as he smells Roxy's scent as well. These two are in a lot of trouble.

I vow to myself as I storm up to the door. My mate will not be leaving our bedroom let alone the apartment for the next two weeks. I smirk at the prospect.

Pushing open the metal door with force I prowl into the club like a wolf...a wolf wanting to teach his mate a lesson. The odour of sweat, alcohol and sex swirl into my nostrils-and I can pick out two culprit's scents, Roxy and Ve, those two women are just trouble together. Mixed in with all the smells of people-werewolf and human- I can smell a scent that makes my blood boil and my teeth and claws sharpen. Rogues.

My eyes flicker over the bar, no Rox and more importantly no Vanessa. A flash of red catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I'd know those fiery, red curls anywhere. We start to walk at a fast pace towards the dance floor. My need to protect Ve is strong and so is Max's need for his mate's safety. I growl as I see what Vanessa is dressed in. Only I should be able to see her like this.

My eyes appreciate her curves, flat stomach and long tanned legs. If she wasn't so in danger and I wasn't so angry with her I'd take her right here and right now. Damn anyone else. As I watch her sluggish movements I realise she's drunk. Again.

 I notice her start to talk to someone and I nearly shift into my wolf in anger. My mate, the one who completes me, is talking to a Rogue. The same one I'm here to kill. He is definitely dying now. How dare HE talk to MY mate?! I feel my insides turn in worry and panic for my mate, I have to protect her.

I reach her and stare down at my little mate. Max has already grabbed Roxy and is hauling her ass out of the club. I can feel Jason through the link, he's circling so he comes to the back of the Rogue. Jason, call in some wolves we may need them, there has to be more than just him.

"Rox, move out of the way, stop dancing." I hear Vanessa say in her sweet voice that can make any man melt. I keep my eyes on the Rogue in front of me, I can see a few ugly scars marring his face and his shaved head. I take in his stature, he will be no match for an Alpha. I see Ve angle her head up. Her angelic blue eyes widen to the size of spaceships as she notices I'm not Roxy. I raise an eyebrow at her. One that says you're very, much in trouble.

      "I told you to stay at home Vanessa." I'm sure my eyes are no longer fully black, but a hint of hazel to show my anger at her and the questioning figure in front of us. "You promised", I growl out. "Well, actually....I never said I promised to." She grins up at me cheekily and laughs...the little minx.

      "Leave the lady alone, we were just getting to know one another." My gaze turns hard and fierce as I look at the Rogue who spoke. "You filthy Rogue, get the fuck away from my mate." I growl out a worthy ear hurting roar.

Vanessa backs into me even more as she hears me say Rogue, oh so she remembers clearly our little situation at the gas pump. The Rogue looks at me harshly, like I had stepped on his pup or something. "So you're the Alpha", he turns his gaze to Vanessa who is tucking herself into my side subconsciously. I straighten my spine at this, she can deny me all she wants but we still know she wants and needs me. "And you're the little whore who got my brother killed."

"Huh?", I can literally hear Ve's brain ticking but I've already figured it out. I'm the one with the Werewolf knowledge. This Rogue is linked to the one's who tried to attack my mate when we were coming home. He is here for revenge.

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