Chapter 24-Dancing 'Till Dawn

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A/N thank you everyone AGAIN for getting me in the top #40 in Werewolf!

Please comment, vote and follow.

And please realise that I can't keep updating I don't have the time, I  wish I did, but sadly I don't, sorry. I have about five exams coming up.....including my english literature *cries and hides*


Chapter 24

      I cautoiusly walk toward the bedroom. What could he possibly want? I stand in the doorway and lean on the frame of the door. Logan's back is to me, I can see the muscles ripple in his broad shoulders as he folds clothing into a duffel bag on the bed. Right now I can see his big tanned arms in his white tank and his butt looks delicious in cut off grey sweat pants. How in the hell does he make sweats look...yummy?

      I roll my bottom lip into my mouth by my teeth, still gazing at him. Oh god, I knew the mating would change how attractive he is to me. My body's going to be like a walking and talking horny teenager. I realise I've spaced out when he grabs my chin to make me look into his eyes with his forefinger. Space cadet...sadness flashes through me at Mandy's nickname for me when I space out.

     I need to talk to her about...recent events.

     "Ve?", he looks imploringly into my eyes. "Hmm", I answer him with a noncommittal sound.

     "I'll be home around two in the morning, I expect you to be safe and sound here, okay?" He pecks my lips.

     " that all you wanted?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He called me for this, something I already knew. It isn't like I'm going anywhere is it. Jeehz Logan, I roll my eyes.

     "" Then without any warning he swoops down and captures my mouth with his. He bends down to grab the back of my thighs and then lifts me so I have no other choice but to wrap my legs around him. I pull my lips away and pant, "What do you think you're doing?"

     Logan starts nibbling down my neck and he nips my earlobe then sucks on it. I gasp, oh no. I rock my hips against his, no able to help it, my body literally burns for his touch. He groans his approval and walks so my back is against the wall. I arch my back into him.

    Aching for his touch.

    He leans back and growls ,"Mine." I quirk my lips and say, "Are you sure?" This seems to knock him into primal mode as he starts griding into me and I can feel my core soaking wet for him. With his body he keeps mine up against the wall as he grabs my hands and slams them against the wall. My arms are stretched up, his palms flat against mine, my breasts are pushed up near his face. His eyes flash and then his mouth descends.

     Buzz! His tougne is a hairs breath away from licking down the valley of my breasts. The intercom goes again. He breathes heavily for two seconds then growls out towards the living room. My eyes widen as I see his teeth have gotten sharper and that as he turns back to me to complete his descent on my chest that his eyes are more hazel than black.

     My heart starts thudding, but it isn't a tempo to show how turned on I am, no it now shows how freaked out I am. Logan is a lot more animal than man right now, and that is dangerous.

     "Logan..." I whisper his name soothingly. He just continues his trail of kisses and sucks all over the top of my breasts. "Logan...babe, there's someone at the door." He starts to kiss up my neck to the bite mark he gave me, it seems so long ago now.

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