Chapter 28-Going Through The Motions Part 2

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Okay, so, I got hardly any votes or comments on my last chapter :/

This may be my own fault that the chapter wasn't long, the story isn't that interesting right now or that I take quite long to update. Either way can you guys please vote and/or comment.


Chapter 28

It had been 3 weeks and 5 days. Yes, I had been counting.

Not that the last few weeks have been agonizing but that, exactly on the 4 week mark I might be travelling to Blueshine. The truth is I am excited but...I had actually built a routine in the last few weeks and this routine did involve Logan. You could say he trusts me and Roxy together again. I laugh at the thought. We're grown ups! For Christ sakes.  

Me and Roxy had gotten even closer now, we go shopping, cinema and wherever else we want to go together by ourselves when the boys don't come with us. No more guarding. That stopped after the first week when I told Logan that if I had to be followed anymore it would give me a stress related panic attack.

You could say it stopped then, but not without his constant look of worry that I would break down crying. Not gonna happen Buddy.

 Logan and I have worked together to gain trust and a relationship...I suppose you could say we have a few lover's spats, anyway that's what Mr. Alpha likes to call them.

Take for example the major one we had about me having a job. I was furious at the time but now reminiscing about it makes me laugh.

Week 2 and day 2.

I was bored out of my mind, I had already cleaned the whole apartment twice. I realised while cleaning that Logan had a lot of expensive stuff from furniture to technology. Who would've thought my mate was loaded?

But like any human family I was raised to be independent and to try and find a job as good as you could get. So I sought out after a job.

Later that afternoon I went with Roxy to a corner coffee shop we had been frequently going to lately.

The smell of baking pastries, cakes and the strong welcoming scent of coffee beans wafted all around me once I stepped into the coffee shop. I had called earlier on after my cleaning frenzy to Rox to meet me here. I had decided to get a job and knew that Logan would be hardly a good choice to go to when he'd just tell me to stay at home and he'll look after me.

No, thank you.

I smile at the familiar face of my newly found best friend. I hug her after being deprived of human contact since this morning when Logan left for Alpha business. I sit on the worn but tough brown leather of the booth while Roxy sits across from me.

Everything about this little café is worn but it's the kind of worn that makes you think of lounging on a sofa curled around a nice book in front of a crackling fire. It's a nice cosy little place decorated in a variety of warm browns and beige, artistic street portraits hanging on the walls.

I give Roxy a grateful smile as I notice a steaming cup of mocha in a Styrofoam cup covered in a printing of one of the portraits on the walls; the unique designs that are always displayed on their cups. I happily sigh, Roxy knows by know I love my mocha's sugary sweet. "So, what's up?", Roxy raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

"I'm so bored at the apartment, I've cleaned the WHOLE of the apartment twice Rox." I just stare at her in a dead panned sort of way. I flash her a mega-watt smile, "So, I thought you could hook me up with a job?"

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