Chapter 20-Surprise, Surprise

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Chapter 20

 Max and Roxy are in the toilets right now, me and Logan waiting for them. He hasn't stopped touching me after our little 'scene' in the cinema screen, not that he has ever stopped touching me actually. I roll my eyes at this realisation.

  His thick arms are wrapped around my waist, his thumb stroking my hip causing the usual sparks. These feelings will never go... My ass is pressed into his main area, my back to his chest. This tall hunk of a man's body running along the whole of mine, my head leaned back on to his shoulder as he nuzzles my neck.

   Anyone who look's at us sees a new loving Alpha couple, not a girl deranged by her body's feelings and her indecision on this relationship. A few male Werewolve's have stared at us and then Logan would growl possessively and hold me tighter to him. I tell him to stop, that they might just be looking at something else but he's determined that they're looking at me. Oh no sorry I meant 'checking me out'.

  Stupid territorial Alpha.

  I know that Max would most probably know what happened in the cinema because as we walked out of the screen he had the cheek to pat Logan on the back in a congratulations manner. Like saying, "well done mate, you got a bit of action in public".

  I just want to go home; it's still weird to think of the apartment as my home...but I know I will never leave, it just won't happen. I just...just need time. To think. And make my decisions.

   Because the ones I do will be the ones I live by for the rest of my life. I shake off my depressive mood. "Logan, can we go home?"

  I can just feel him smiling on my neck, "Of course love, then we can go to our bedroom." I still at his words, why the hell did he say that? Surely he knows I don't want to do THAT right now. I hate how he emphasised our like I didn't know we shared a room and I hate how much my body reacted to that. Tingling and throbbing at just one sentence from him.

   Jeehz louise!


   Going home in his big car was...tense. I could literally feel the atmosphere crackling with sexual tension and anticipation between us. A haywire of emotions. He kept his right hand on the top of my thigh under my dress while driving, I would try to slide away but he wouldn't allow it. Just growl, tighten his grip while moving it up further.

    I swallow nervously...surely my gulp being heard throughout the whole car. My breathing is shallow, my heart racing. My mind and heart are telling me I'm not ready for any of this, I've known him about a week. But my body screams out YES, so big of an urge I feel I can't ignore this no more.

  I feel exhausted as I rub my tired eyes, today has been so emotional. I cover my mouth as I yawn widely, I blink my eyes open as they have gone watery from yawning. I look over to Logan as he looks at me with warmth in his obsidian black eyes, like burning coals, embers flying out to me...searing my body.

He quirks the end of his gorgeous mouth up....wait gorgeous?! Oh my god, I am tired."Love, come here", he finally moves his right hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders and guides my head on to his muscular shoulder.

   I sigh in content, relax on his warm shoulder, and breathe in his cologne deeply. Surprisingly it calms me and lulls me to the pit of blackness that is known as sleep.

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