Chapter 29 - Visitation Time

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A/N- Okay so first off let me say a huge thank you for everyone who votes, comments and reads and a HUGE sorry that I haven't updated in months. I have been fairly busy and just haven't had the motivation or time. So let's hope you all still love my story :)

Thank you so much for sticking through this with me and the support for this book is amazing thank you so much! I'm just an amateur writer but you guys make me feel so good about what I write. I'm finishing this for everyone, I can't surely leave you's on a cliff hanger forever ;)


I hope you have all enjoyed reading these characters as much as I have with writing them.


Chapter 29

I had never felt so happy in my entire life. I sighed as I looked outside of the car window, watching the harvesting fields fly by.

This was all thanks to my hunky, overbearing but amazingly sweet Alpha mate. Huh? Who thought I would ever say that about a Werewolf, because I definitely never did. A few months ago I would have turned cynical and enraged if someone had told me that I should get a mate but now...I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, not any other way except with Logan. I purse my lips in thought and look over at my handsome mate enjoying the last of the summer breeze blowing through his tousled hair as he drove.

I first skimmed my eyes over his hands on the steering wheel; quirking my mouth up at the sight of his big hands tapping out the beat of the music blasting from the built in stereo in the car. Next I moved my eyes up towards his tanned, muscular exposed arms that exude power and strength. I shiver knowing how good those arms feel around my body. My eyes flicker over his face; first I start with his sharp angular jaw that has a peppering of black hair on it, pink sculpted lips that have learnt my body expertly this last month. I bite my bottom lip as I raise my eyes.

His handsome face is turned towards me, his coal, intimate eyes shielded by big shiny Ray Bans that rest sexually on the bridge of his nose. I can't see his eyes flame up with desire because of the glasses but I see him raise an eyebrow slowly and sensually quizzing to me silently about my sudden observation of him.  

I wink at him and then he quirks his mouth into a smirk, this makes me smile fully at him giggling a little, overcome with the pure bliss I feel at this moment. It's a lovely summer day, music is blasting from the stereo, a breeze is peacefully caressing my face and hair from the window and I'm sitting with the love of my life.

But that's not the best part about this moment.

We're currently driving towards Blueshine.

I am finally going to see my family. Not only that but my little sunshine! I wear a massive, full toothed smile on my face as I think about how excited Sonny sounded on the phone when I told him I was coming home for a visit tomorrow.

Yes, it is just a visit because that is what it ever can be; Logan is my home now, not with my family. You could say that I have come to terms with Blueshine never being my home again. I do not mind it any more because I have never been happier than when I am living with Logan.

We're about twenty minutes from the actual town centre as I know it takes that much time from the sign of "Welcome To Blushine" that we just passed. I sighed in anticipation of seeing my family and friends again. Mandy was going to be there with her mate; I hadn't stopped talking to her over the phone and Skype for the past month or so. Her relationship with her Mate, Charlie, has progressed very well according to our daily chats. 

I enjoy the cool breeze on my face as I reminisce the past month or so. Logan had been a loving mate recently, so romantic and loving. One day, he had planned an unexpected tour of the city that ended with us dancing in front of the glowing sunset on a rooftop of a skyscraper with a live band playing a sweet symphony for only us as their audience. That day I really did fall in love with him; he became the one thing that I could never picture myself living without. 

That day didn't make me love him because of what he done for me, but that day was the tipping point of my feelings. The tipping point between harbouring affection for Logan and finding myself realising that this man had become my life support; I cannot envision myself living without the monster I adore so. I fell in love with him slowly at first and then found myself plundering through a forest of unkempt emotions that consumed me all at once, I never realised I had fallen in love with him until the moment he had told me he loved me on that rooftop, and I replied with the same heart felt words without any hesitation at all. 

I smile to myself with the heart warming memory, "What are you smiling at?" Logan asks me in his deep voice pulling me back into present life in his car. I turn my head and smile at him, "About how perfect everything has turned out despite you still being an overbearing, possessive idiot", I goad him with a cheeky smile. 

He laughs and reaches his hand out to rest it on the top of my thigh to squeeze it gently, "And don't you forget it my little leprechaun." 

"Oh my God..."

This proceeded to turn into a mini argument with me rightfully defending my height and explaining how one cannot help it if she is surrounded by massive giants all the time that exceed the average height to become freakishly tall. Which ended in Logan tickling me until I apologised and proclaimed to being a leprechaun. I'm surprised the idiot didn't crash the car with his behaviour while he's driving, he seriously has too much confidence in his driving. 

We bicker continuously up until we reach a familiar street which shuts me up instantly as the butterflies of anticipation and excitement overtake my ability to speak. I'm literally at the edge of my seat unable to keep still and wait to see my family. I lean my head out of the window which allows me to see several houses down the road at the house I grew up in. I can see my Mom taking care of her flowers in their own allocated beds in the front garden, Dad is hosing down the car and I can see a little blonde person running through the sprinkler and turning around to run back through it with his hands in the air. 

Logan slows down to a stop to allow a neighbour to pull out of their drive. I decide I cannot wait two more minutes to have my little sunshine in my arms so in a speed I never knew I was capable of I unclick my seatbelt and fling the door of the car open. I quickly hop down and without even realising it I'm sprinting down the pavement towards my family.

I can faintly hear Logan in the background shouting out my name, but that doesn't matter right now to me nor does the thought of what kind of telling off he'll give me later because all I can think of is seeing my family again. I have missed them so much.

My feet are fast moving, my converse slapping against the concrete, my arms swinging powerfully to help me gain momentum. "Sonny! Sonny! Mom! Dad!" I shout down the road as I wave my arm to catch their attention. They all stop what they're doing.

Sonny is the first to react as he runs one last time through the sprinklers and starts running towards me with his arms wide open. "Nessy!"

As I reach him I swoop his little body up into my arms and swing him around in a circle as I hug him to me tightly, I start sobbing as I stroke his fluffy hair and cradle him to me. He pulls his head back and puts his little soft hand on my cheek, "Why are you crying?", he asks with a pout to his lips. I laugh at his adorable face and kiss his cheek.

I look over my shoulder at the sound of Logan's car pulling into the driveway, he climbs out of the car with a stern expression but that breaks into a loving smile once he sees the state I am in. I look at my Mom crying and my Dad hugging her, I look back at my little sunshine with a smile on my face as I still feel tears making tracks down my face.

"Because Sonny, everything's perfect now....everything's going to be okay...I'm happy with being loved by a monster."

The End.


Thank you for sticking with me and this story, I just really wanted to end it here. I felt that making her pregnant or going more into Vanessa and Logan's story would not bare well with what I had envisioned for this story. I didn't want a cliche ending of her becoming pregnant and having many Werewolf babies. I am saddened that their story ends here but I have thoroughly enjoyed writing my first book on wattpad, thank you for the support!


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