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Sixteen year old Glory RainWing sighed as she walked in the school gate with her best friend Sunny and her brother Jambu. Her twin with the crazy pink hair, Jambu, ran off to see his friends, of course, so Sunny and Glory went off to find theirs.

It was a new term at Pyrrhia High and Glory had...mixed feelings about it. She was glad she'd see her friends again (kind of) but uncertain about everything changing, life moving on. Holidays had been nearly...peaceful. Simple and boring and safe. Now she was back at school, and life was moving faster than she could keep up with.

The summer holidays had been uneventful. Glory had mostly done stuff with Sunny, since Sunny was her best friend and next-door neighbour. Easy things. Watch movies, gossip, play video games together (only when they had been really desperate). Glory never went on a holiday, so it had been a pretty normal summer break. She hadn't seen much of the others over the break (except Sunny, who she saw every day really), but she had seen Peril once at the shops.

Not that she'd gone to talk to her, though. Peril could be difficult at the best of times, and sometimes she annoyed Glory.

Not that I don't like her, though, Glory thought. She is still my friend - just not my closest friend. Sunny is. But Peril is fine (most of the time, anyway).

She had kept in touch with the others, though, in her chat messages. They'd made a group chat and Sunny had been the one that had decided they would all log on to one another every day. Of course Glory had done so, not that she'd talked much.

"So!" Sunny said cheerfully as they walked through the school grounds to find their friends. "Who are you most looking forward to seeing now we're back?" She grinned mischievously. "Have you been missing Deathbringer?"

While Glory had seen basically everyone at least once for a short time in the holidays, she hadn't seen Deathbringer once. Which was not actually the worst thing in the world, if you asked her. It's not like she had wanted to see him. Deathbringer was the boy who had a ridiculous crush on Glory since the day he had met her, and flirted with her almost constantly. Usually the reason why Glory logged off the daily chats with her friends was because of Deathbringer.

"Absolutely not," Glory snapped. "If he crawled into a hole to die I wouldn't even notice, let alone miss him."

"Well, I missed him! I missed everyone!" Sunny gave Glory a miserable face, her long golden hair drooping as if it were unhappy too. "Clay was busy spending time with his sibs all holidays; Tsunami went on holiday to the beach; Riptide was training for soccer; Peril was in a bad mood and was fighting with Flame a lot; Deathbringer was gaming and pretty quiet most of the time; Starflight was studying and Fatespeaker was well, I don't know what even happened to her. I hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she's fine. She probably had one of her crazy visions." Glory rolled her eyes. Fatespeaker predicted something would happen literally every ten seconds. It drove everyone insane except Sunny and Clay and Starflight and Deathbringer. Sunny, Clay and Starflight were nice about everything and Deathbringer was too oblivious to notice anything, in Glory's opinion.

Though Sunny was right, they'd seen Fatespeaker once staring into the fountain like it contained all the answers to her life in the park. They'd tried to talk to her, but then she'd started raving on about her predicting the island of Pyrrhia was going to sink into the sea when it was raining one day that week. Of course it had never happened, but Fatespeaker had just blamed the fountain for that. She'd said it had given her a wrong interpretation and deliberately confused her to be malicious. Even Sunny had been doubtful about that idea.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now