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I was eleven when I first killed Slaughter. Young, I know. I just had to do it. Morrowseer insisted. Kill or be killed. I chose to live.

"Either you prove you're useful and kill Slaughter," he spat at me. "Or we get rid of you. You're useless. Always being ignorant and carefree. I told the queen and Quickstrike a thousand times you're too young for this."

The queen. Battlewinner. The queen who will kill anyone at the snap of a twig. The queen who is ruthless and ready to take over the rainforest and the RainWings.

I knew the stories well. I was sworn never to tell anyone, but Quickstrike had taught them to me. I'd gone over and over them in my head, or with Starflight.

Two hundred years ago there were tribes. Apparently they worshipped dragons or something. We all lived in the centre of Pyrrhia now, in the city, but there were different places all around the island where the tribes had lived.

The MudWing tribe lived in the swamps and wetlands. The SeaWings lived on islands in the Bay of a Thousand Scales. The RainWings lived in the rainforest. The SandWings lived in the desert. The IceWings to the north, where it was icy cold and like the arctic. The SkyWings in the mountain ranges and finally, the NightWings lived in a dark forest.

But then a real dragon had supposedly come. A dragon with powers. A dragon that apparently was totally evil.


He'd apparently killed many people before he'd been defeated by two other dragons, Clearsight and Fathom. Then the NightWings hid in shame and the tribes changed.

They no longer worshipped dragons. They came together and became, well...normal people. The descendants of the thrones of the tribes hid and stayed normal.

Except a few NightWings. Queen Battlewinner, descendant of the NightWing royalty, decided we needed the tribes again. She wanted to find a way to bring back all the tribes and then take control of them using the youngest heirs from all the tribes.

Apparently, Glory was a descendant. Grandeur apparently actually was related to Glory. Grandeur would never want to be queen, so apparently Glory was the only option. But the RainWings had apparently been dangerous, though had become a bit more lazy nowadays. They had had blowguns and made venom darts and used a special type of camouflage clothing to hide. They had apparently been the most dangerous tribe.

So Battlewinner didn't want the RainWings. She knew which people were RainWing descendants, and didn't want them to have a powerful queen. That meant Glory had to go. Even Kinkajou would be better.

My mother was an assassin. A fearless assassin that trained me and killed for Morrowseer and the queen. That's why I was an assassin too. I killed to stop people who would get in the way of the throne and start the fighting. Get rid of the strongest and leave the weakest to be oppressed.

"I can't kill Slaughter," I'd said. "That's - "

"If you don't, you die." Morrowseer had stalked away. He was the queen's closest advisor. I rarely saw him. He and the queen and a few of the most loyal NightWings lived on a volcanic island, the secret location of the NightWings, off of the mainland.

I didn't want to die. Anything but that. But...

I went and killed Slaughter in his sleep. Slaughter didn't even have to die. He was useless though. He was a loyal NightWing, as was his cousin Vengeance. I used discs to slice his throat.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now