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2:00 am chat between Deathbringer Assassin & Greatness Assassin

Chatroom Name: Greatness Ships Glorybringer

Greatness has logged on.

Deathbringer has logged on.

Deathbringer: Hi sis!

Greatness: Hey there lil bro.

Deathbringer: How is LIFE?

Greatness: It's been great, actually. We gotta meet up sometime soon, I haven't seen you in like, forever.


Greatness: Lol

Greatness: I also have some news...

Deathbringer: Oooooo the suspense is killing me! XD okay just tell me.

Greatness: I'm getting married to Vengeance.

Deathbringer: WHAT?! Woo hoo! *party sounds* HIP HIP HOORAY! *cheers*

Greatness: Thx!

Deathbringer: No probs sis this is fantastic! Have you told Quickstrike yet?

Greatness: No but I will. is your girlfriend?

Deathbringer: Oh yeah she's awesome not officially my girlfriend though...

Greatness: Buuuuuut you're working on it ;)

Deathbringer: Definitely! XD

Greatness: is YOUR life? And YOUR friends?

Deathbringer: Um...

Greatness: Ugh can you really not remember your friends? Example: How's that fiesty red-head that lived next door, what's her name? Peril?

Deathbringer: Yeah that's her name. And it's been....interesting, to say the least.

Greatness: Aaaaand???

Deathbringer: .......and Peril got stabbed by her creepy grandma yesterday.

Greatness: WHAT?!

Deathbringer: Peril got stabbed by Scarlet, who also killed Kestrel, Tourmaline and Osprey. Sky and Wren are on the run as far as we know.

Greatness: OMG IS PERIL DEAD????

Deathbringer: No.

Deathbringer: We found her last night. She's in a stable condition and in hospital right now.

Greatness: Thank the moons she isn't dead...

Deathbringer: Glory was amazing - she totally used all her first-aid skills. She practically saved Peril's life, I doubt she'd have lived long without Glory taking over like she did.

Greatness: You picked a good true love Deathbringer!

Deathbringer: XD thanks

Greatness: What about Sunny? Fatespeaker? Riptide? Tsunami? Clay? Kinkajou?

Deathbringer: Actually I'll invite them to this chat if you like....

Greatness: YAS DO IT

Deathbringer: Okey dokey. Afk.

Deathbringer has invited Sunny to the chat.

Deathbringer has invited Peril to the chat.

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