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Tsunami, Sunny and I were climbing the tree in Deathbringer's yard. Kinkajou came too after a moment, her hair strawberry pink and lemon yellow with purple streaks, long and curly this time. She grinned and scrambled up after us.

"This will be PRICELESS," she said. I laughed. Of course it will be! I foresaw it would be!

It was nighttime, we'd promised Deathbringer that he'd get at least four hours as a real date. Before we messed it all up. Deathbringer and Glory had walked back to his house from school together, and then, at 7pm, Sunny, Tsunami and I had arrived, then Kinkajou on her bike.

"Okay, Tsunami!" I said busily. "I am foreseeing that you did bring the videoer thingamagig. Am I CORRECT?"

"Correct," Tsunami said, waving the camera. "But I don't think you can 'foresee the future'."

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't."

"Yes I can!"



"Stop it!" Sunny glared at us. "Just keep going and stop arguing! And you're too loud!"

I reluctantly dropped the argument and went on. "Sunny," I began. I felt a flash of jealousy. Starflight likes her... I shook it off and continued. Sunny was my friend! "Have you brought the bells? I saw you did in a vision though, BECAUSE I DEFINITELY DO HAVE VISIONS, but I just wanted to make sure."

Sunny held up the jingly bells for when Deathbringer sang his song. "Got 'em!"

"I brought the phone to take photos of them kissing," I said. "Kinkajou? What did you bring?"

Kinkajou spluttered with laughter. ""POPCORN!"


We watched in the tree through the window. Deathbringer was sitting with Glory on the lounge, watching TV. Glory was smiling. I grinned. I could totally foresee her yelling soon.

But it'd be worth it.

Deathbringer caught my eye and spotted us outside the window, giving me an exasperated look. I grinned back. The window was opened so, hopefully, we'd hear them talking too.

"Okay, Tsu, start videoing!" I hissed. Tsunami pressed START FILMING with an evil grin.

"Glory," Deathbringer said. I craned to listen, despite his voice easily floating across to us in the tree. "Can I...can I give you a kiss?"

Kinkajou clapped her hands over her mouth, dying of laughter. Sunny immediately started eating the popcorn as quietly as she could.

Glory hesitated, frowning. "No," she said finally. Deathbringer gave her a pathetically crestfallen loom, then she smiled. "I'll kiss you." She reached forwards, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

"SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP," I mouthed to Kinkajou as she snapped photos. We grinned at each other.

Kinkajou was beaming. "She kissed him!" she whispered.

Deathbringer and Glory finally broke apart, Deathbringer risking to put an arm around her shoulders. Glory surprisingly let him, leaning against him.

"OMG," Sunny whispered, her green eyes delighted and wide.

I have Deathbringer the signal. He reluctantly got up, Glory moving back in surprise as he went over to the window on the other side of the room (not the window we were outside because then Glory might notice, but on the other side of the house). He picked up a sponge, dipped it in soapy water in the bucket and began casually washing the window.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now