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Peril thought she was the only person who didn't scream when Deathbringer threw the discs at Glory.

Glory had screamed - probably louder than anyone else - but then fell silent. Deadly silent. It had reminded Peril of a storm going quiet, then thunder and lightning raging worse than ever. Like a storm ready to break and destroy and rip them all apart into tiny pieces.

But Peril had panicked when she saw what had happened. Two people had stood behind Glory, two of the people who had surrounded them when Vengeance had arrived. And Deathbringer had thrown the discs at them.

They were dead.

They were lying on the ground, throats slit perfectly and red with blood. Peril didn't like it. But she'd seen worse. For some reason, though, she just couldn't tear her gaze away from the sight of them dead.

What's wrong with me? Is it crazy that I'm so curious about death? I wish I could know more about it, ACTUALLY. I mean, how do people die? Where does their life force go? What ignites people so they do live? So many questions I have but so few answers...

Glory had been cringing away, but now she stood up straighter, staring down at them in disbelief. "You killed them," she spat, staring at Deathbringer. He stared back at her for a second, then jumped forwards, and threw a few more discs at the other. He didn't even miss.

"Run!" Peril shouted. She knew that would be what Deathbringer would want them to do. She grabbed Glory's hand and dragged her away from the bodies lying small pools of blood beside her. Starflight and Clay were already gone, Tsunami hesitating, looking like she want to stay and fight. Sunny was trying to drag her away and Greatness was standing frozen, staring at Deathbringer.

"Go," Peril gasped. She shoved Glory towards Tsunami, who looked startled and then angry. "Take her to safety. I'll deal with this."

Tsunami paused, seemingly lost in her own indescion, then nodded. She raced off, hauling a stunned Glory after her. Sunny ran too, leaving Peril, Greatness, Deathbringer, Vengeance and a bunch of dead bodies alone.

Oh, and Kinkajou.

Kinkajou was giving Peril stubborn looks, so Peril didn't even try to get her to leave. No-one could make Kinkajou do what she didn't want to do. They both faced off against Vengeance, Deathbringer hesitating, Greatness standing frozen in the middle, a lost expression on her face.

"Kill me," Vengeance hissed mockingly. "Useless assassin. Traitor." She grinned. "Ha. I always knew you were useless."

"I can't kill Glory," Deathbringer hissed. He and Vengeance looked like two snakes ready to strike each other. Greatness slowly backed away, seemingly giving up. Her head was hanging, she looked utterly defeated. Her whole demeanour had an air of I have given up about it. Peril didn't like that.

Why do people even give up when you can just keep going?

"Because you're weak," Vengeance taunted him, pacing around Deathbringer. Deathbringer glared at him furiously, twisting around to constantly keep Vengeance in his sight. But his movements were strangely clumsy, and he kept glancing off in the direction Glory'd left in.

"Vengeance," Greatness started in a pleading voice. Peril's eyes immediately darted to her, as she looked gazing at him desperately. "Don't. Deathbringer is my brother. He loves Glory. you love me...."

"He's a traitor!" Vengeance snarled. Deathbringer raised his head to meet Greatness' gaze challengingly. Peril was taken aback by the fearless challenge in his face. She had never seen Deathbringer like that before. Usually he was joking and cheerful and teasing and an optimist. But this wasn't like him, and Peril hated it.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now