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I grinned. Deathbringer and Glory sat beside me on the grass of Deathbringer's front garden. Glory was pretending to scowl at Deathbringer, but I could tell Deathbringer wasn't even trying to hide. He reached over, trying to put his arm around Glory, who shrugged him off.

"Ship," I whispered, and Glory glared at me. I knew they'd be together forever one day. I'd had a VISION about it.

I had been surprised when I'd gotten the text from Deathbringer. That....I hadn't expected. It had said that Peril wanted to meet here. No one knew why.

One thing I didn't understand was why I'd been picked by Peril. Sure, Deathbringer was her best friend and Glory had saved her life. Me? I thought Peril thought I was ANNOYING.

Maybe I was wrong...?

After a moment, we saw Peril limping down the street. Glory made to get up and help her, but Deathbringer pulled her back now. I didn't dare to. Peril hated help.

"Why are we here?" I demanded instead, curiosity flashing through me. "Is it about Scarlet?"

"Duh, of course." Peril sat down on the grass beside us, gritting her teeth. She stared at Deathbringer, a look that was long and hard and meaningful. I frowned. What's that all about?

Deathbringer looked away. "So, uh...." He cleared his throat. "What's up with Scarlet?"

Peril hesitated, then sighed. "She has filing cabinets in her office," she said at last. "Well, she did. I might be able to understand them."

"Can't the authorities do that? Aren't detectives involved? This is a pretty big case you know. Three murders. Two, possibly three murderers. You stabbed. Everyone dies." Glory crossed her arms warily.

Peril glared at her. "Only I could possibly understand what Scarlet has there. Anyway, I need to check some things."

"Fine," Glory hissed. "But I can't go in there. Someone needs to keep watch."

"You're scared," Peril said in a shocked tone. She stared at Glory in disbelief. "Scared."

"Stop that!" Glory hissed. "You should have brought Starflight. You should be in hospital."

"If I'm right, this is a danger to everyone on Pyrrhia," Peril spat. She turned away, grabbing a nearby stone and throwing it at the window of her house. It smashed and I flinched as glass flew everywhere. "I'm going in. Who's with me?"

"Me," Deathbringer said immediately.

"And me," I added eagerly.

"I'll keep watch," Glory muttered. "I don't like this. Scarlet's dangerous."

"That's exactly why we have to stop her," Peril retorted. "Come on everyone. Let's go."

I gave Glory a sympathetic look - I didn't want anything to do with Scarlet either, but I had to do this. I'd die if I didn't find out what was happening soon.

Peril smashed the rest of the window with a piece of wood, then scrambled in, carefully avoiding the glass. Deathbringer followed her, but I paused.

"You coming?" Peril said impatiently. Her red hair seemed to bristle, almost looking like fire.

"Don't you have a hole in the other window?" I pointed out. "Starflight told me. Why don't we go in there?"

"The authorities blocked it up," Peril snapped. "Duh. Now come on."

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now