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Peril has been scared of a lot of things in her life. Well, not scared, just....wary. Cautious. For GOOD REASONS. But what had happened to her the day she had been attacked by Scarlet, well, that was the day she'd come closer than ever to being scared.

When she'd left school she'd been uncertain. What should I do? She couldn't go home straight away, she just couldn't face it. She walked off to the park and wandered around for a long time. Even when it was dark. She just couldn't bear to get stuck with Scarlet's wrath.

It was black as night when she walked down the street to her house. She couldn't get the thought of what had happened that morning out of her head.

Will Starflight guess why I had the knife? Will he know that I had in case Scarlet attacked me when I was asleep?

What if he guesses that I planned to kill Scarlet if I had to?

She didn't think that it mattered. Though Starflight would probably have overreacted if he'd known. He'd have been all, You can't kill your grandmother! Even if she's totally evil and homicidal, she's still family! And that'd be murder!

Peril had thought about it long and hard, and she knew if she had to, she would kill Scarlet.

When Peril had gotten close to her house she'd been nervous. What can I do? Just walk up there? I guess I need to. I'm just glad Deathbringer isn't home - apparently he went out shopping with Quickstrike tonight. So I don't have to face him.

Deathbringer can be annoying, but maaaaayyyybe he's actually a kinda awesome friend. SOMETIMES. ONLY SOMETIMES.

But then as she'd almost gotten to the front door, it had burst open. She'd jumped back as her brother Sky and his pet bird Wren dashed from the door and raced off into the street. Sky was screaming.

Um. What?

Peril frowned, glancing in the doorway. Oh no. No. No.

There were red marks on the carpet. Dark red.

Is that blood? There's so much of it... Peril struggled not to feel sick. She went in and looked in her bedroom.

Wait, what? It's open? The window also look smashed, like someone had escaped out of it. Something that came close to fear shot through Peril.

She wished Clay was there. He always made her feel better. Or even Deathbringer. Or Starflight. Or Glory.

No, not Starflight. He'd probably just scream.

Should I go get him? Peril wondered, taking a tentative step forwards. He lives just down the I can't bother him.

And this is purely between me and my family. And my non-family, too, I guess.

Peril shivered. What if he finds out my secret? Starflight's so smart...No. No. I can't worry about that now.

She went forwards and flicked on the light casually, walking into the lounge room. Then she froze, jaw dropping, pounding flashing through her body. She went cold all over, like a ghost had touched her.

Maybe it had.

But it was real. What was lying on the floor was real. Nearby was the body of Osprey, and slumped across the couch was the body of Tourmaline. They were both covered in so much blood Peril couldn't even see white skin, just red blood. Everywhere.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now