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When Peril first discovered Scarlet wasn't her grandmother she was thirteen years old. She had been better friends with Flame and Viper then than she was now, so they were the only other people who knew the secret.

Flame and Viper had been over at her place. Well, Flame was always there. Viper was there because she was Flame's best friend, and had come over to hide out for a while from her angry parents.

Peril had, reluctantly, agreed to let them into her room. Flame hadn't talked much, but Viper had. She'd laughed and joked and told secrets. Peril didn't like some of those secrets though. They sounded like none of Viper's business. But she said nothing, believing it wasn't really her place to.

And then...

They'd heard screams.

"What's that?" Viper had jumped up from where she'd sat on Peril's bed, looking around wildly. Peril could hear suspicious screams from somewhere inside the house.

"I'll go look." Peril made to leave, but Viper grabbed her hand and pulled her back. A flicker of irritation flashed through Peril and she yanked her hand back, glaring at Viper. "What?"

"If someone's screaming, they could be in danger. We don't go right forwards and walk into danger," Viper snapped.

"Danger?" Peril scoffed. "This is my house." She turned and stalked off through the house, towards the screams. They sounded like they were upstairs. After a moment, she could hear the sound soft footsteps. Viper and Flame were following her.

"What?" Peril growled. "Why are you coming?"

"I live here too!" Flame argued back in the angriest whisper Peril had ever heard.

"Tell me something I don't know," Peril retorted. Flame bristled, but Viper darted in between them quickly.

"Shut up, both of you," she hissed. "Let's go and quietly. Strength in numbers."

Peril had been annoyed, but followed as Viper led the way. She agreed with one thing though - whoever was screaming, they seemed in actual pain. It wasn't just a scream like, "AAAAAAAH A SPIDER HELP MEEE!" but a scream of agony.

When she'd flung open the door of the upstairs lounge room, she'd seen the most horrifying sight ever.

Scarlet was...killing someone.

"Stop! Stop!" Peril had dashed forwards, horrified. Scarlet had a knife. The person lying on the bed looked terrified. She had jet black hair and blue eyes, about seventeen years old. She looked scared to death. Peril heart twisted in pity for her. She glanced back to the doorway and realized Flame and Viper were nowhere in sight.

"Peril darling," Scarlet hissed. "Kill her." She held out the knife and Peril backed away.

"No," Peril breathed. "She's innocent. Why are you killing her? Why would you kill anyone?" Her heart was thumping so loudly she was sure Scarlet would hear it, but somehow she didn't.

"She's meant to die. It's her destiny." Scarlet's eyes were bright with malice. "Kill her."

Peril scowled. Defiance flooded through her. This is insanity! Is this some kind of rotten dream? She was almost frozen in place. "No," Peril shouted. "Why are you doing this? Who are you?" She whirled on the girl furiously.

The girl stared at her, clearly scared. "Victory Diamond," she whispered. Peril studied her face. She looked vaguely familiar.

"What kind of a name is that?" Peril snorted, faking carelessness. Scarlet sees fear as a weakness, I think. I have to look strong. And WHERE ARE FLAME AND VIPER?

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now