Going to Ua

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After 5 years of being together their relationship is as strong as ever people has been trying to break them up but to no avail people had gave up going after all 4 of them and now they are going to UA know they are the strongest.

Margit have have Izuku  Momo Stella and Mio recommendation the 3 of them accepted Izuku wanted to test his power but then Margit gave him a look like take the damn thing or their will be punishment as you can tell he got scared but didn't show it and decided to take it.

The 4 decided to go see the UA exam and then that's when things didn't go right for Izuku he saw his tormentors Izumi,todoroki and bakugo twins, ochako, and Iida. He was not happy about and his girls know about it because he told them when he was ready and he trust them since he told them he was quirkless and he had something better then a quirk but since Izuku was in Germany with his girls he didn't know that both assmight and inko had gotten outta prison for good behavior but something was off with them because they haven't forgotten what happen those years ago.

Izumi: I hope that Izuku comes back so we can marry him. (Yep the delusional starts here with her shoka katsumi and ochako)

Iida: that's right he will marry you 4 my brother has too*doing hand chops*

The four who heard that wasn't even recognized by them but was losses that they said that

Dog: I can't believe that damn deku got both auntie and uncle

Then he got smacked by his sister

Katsumi: they got arrested on their own terms they were the ones who abused him just like we did so he got no part of them getting arrested or was our fault.

The dog growled like he usually do.

Izuku was quiet surprised that they came out of prison but was glad that they are not hero's. They all went to the testing room to take their test well the 4 who was recommended while the others didn't. The only reason why they didn't get recommended is because when Margit took Izuku back as her own (and rightfully) she made an announcement to Nezu that Izumi and her crew will not be taking recommendations because of abuse along with Inko and assmight nezu was at first mad because who was gonna be the #1 hero for the people she told him not to worry because the people had spoken on that they don't need anyone was willing to steal a child and abuse them mentally and physically because they don't have a quirk and expose assmight that he was once quirkless. He was pretty much ruined when all that happen the Nezu accepted the terms of it because one he can't do anything to Margit  because of her immunity and her being the #1 hero in the world she can easily shut this down if she wanted to but she wanted to see if they can do anything right but if not she can either pull Izuku and his girls out or just expose them and shut down for good.

(Before going to UA) As izuku and the girls made it to Japan a little girl with a horn had ran into Izuku leg and she stayed attached to it then izuku was about to ask what happened then he sense something so stern and that's when overhaul came out and try to get Eri back and izuku deny it and told the girls to take Eri and run and they did worrying over him to make sure he is ok Izuku fought overhaul and won ofc (no brainer) and went to base to adopt Eri with the girls agreeing but already imagine having kids with him to begin with.

Back to reality

Izuku and the girls were done taking the test and went to go see how the others take the physical test they were also allow to spot out who quirk can get in based off on how they use it (meaning they will put them on what class that they think they deserve to be in not the canon slightly not everyone) so at the end of the day they already knew that they were gonna be in UA because Nezu told them and secretly told Izuku who he was without assmight and inko knowing.

The day UA started ofc Izumi and her group made to 1A (only people who didn't make it was Mineta,Toru,and Ayoma) but everyone else was waiting them that's when izuku was at the door with the girls and heard shouting from the same 2 people as in canon.

Iida: bakugo take your feet off the desk you are disrespecting the upperclassman.

Kacchan: come on man don't let them have a stick up your ass relax a little.

Izumi: just do it so he can beat himself off later about it.

Mostly people manage to laugh the 4 chuckle a little but not let it get to them. That's when Aizawa came in and started class.

Aizawa: alright maggots except my recommended student go out in you UA sports uniform and go to the testing ground if I see that you are not there you are expelled.

As people was confused on why being called maggots except for the recommend ppl  but they understood and went. After a few minutes of changing since Mineta is not there they all made it on time and then that's when Aizawa fucked up and said Izuku name in front of his tormentors.

Aizawa: alright izuku I want you to use all of your strength.

Then that's when Izuku gave him a look like dude I didn't want them to know yet then Aizawa realize that he said izuku then Eberbach.

Izumi: oni- she literally got chopped in her neck by Izuku

Izuku: for one you slut I'm not your brother the difference between me and you is that u are a Japanese descendant and I'm a German descendant we are not the same your parents kidnap me when I was born.

Before her friend gonna do damage Aizawa stopped them saying if they do anything they are considered expelled they back off for now.

After Izuku went and did all the other test he landed first with his girls after him then he tormentors. Right before Izuku left bit assmight and inko try to talk to him and bring him back he literally payed no attention and phases thru them (yes they both are working at UA) Inko knew she fucked up big time because she stole him from his actual mother and claim him as her. For assmight all he did was just abuse him physically and mentally but he might (not really) be able to have him forgive him. After school the 4 see their parents on a round like table and they wanted to know what wrong. And before they got back home before the previous is that the tormentors is trying to talk to izuku but failed miserly

All 4: is there a reason why y'all all here as one?

Margit: well we decided to put y'all in a arranged marriage.

The girls faces light up and izuku in the other hand didn't want to force them but he didn't see their face.

Izuku: wel-

Girls: we accept*shuts Izuku up from talking*

Izuku: ok I accept

Back with the tormentors

Izumi: girls do you feel that

Katsumi: yea my heart hurt for some reason

Shoka: same here

Ochako: same with me

Well that's the end of this chapter till next time izumomo lover out

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