🖤 Five 🖤

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"Hey." Billie called to me as I walked up to my house.

"Hi." I replied. I felt like shit and didn't really want to talk. I wasn't quite sober yet, and I felt like throwing up.

"I'm so sorry about this morning. I wasn't looking in on you or anything, I promise.".

"Huh?" I asked. The heroin screwed with my memory, and by that point the morning was a blur.

"Remember? I saw you only wearing your underwear?".

"I don't remember that." I mumbled as  I started to walk up the front steps, but had to stop because I couldn't. I stopped on the first step and held onto the handrail for support, and I threw up on the grass.

"Oh, are you okay!?" Billie asked me.

Before I could answer, I threw up again. I stumbled and fell onto the grass, and the heroin and syringes in my purse spilled out beside me.

"Oh my god, Courtney!" Billie said, kneeling at my side.

I started crying, sobbing uncontrollably. My secret was out.

Billie picked me up off the grass and carried me to his front door. I cried into his chest. I didn't know what to say to him, so I said nothing.

He laid me down on his couch and brought me some water.

I wiped my eyes and took a sip of my water. "Billie," I said. "I-I-I…". I couldn't speak.

"No, it's okay. You can stay here until you're feeling better, okay?" he told me.

I nodded.

"It's nothing to feel bad about, okay?" he told me.

I nodded again and wiped my eyes.


By the time 8 P.M rolled around, I felt better. I was finally sober.  But I didn't want to go home. I really didn't want to go home.

"Billie, I don't want to go home." I said as we sat on the couch watching TV.

"Your parent's are gonna worry about you, Courtney." Billie told me.

I shook my head. "No. They won't.".

Billie looked at me, starting to say something.

"Why do you think I do heroin!?" I asked. "I do it to escape my reality!".

He sighed and looked at the floor. "Look, I don't know what your situation is at home-".

"Both of my parents have literally told me that they don't love me. My dad has a belt that he slaps me with. They hate the way I am." I said truthfully. "That's my fucking situation at home.".

Billie looked back up at me. "Okay. You can stay here tonight.".

I smiled and threw my arms around him. "Oh, thank you so much!" I cried, squeezing him tight. He hugged me back.

Billie's p.o.v

I held Courtney close to me. Poor girl, doing heroin to escape her harsh reality. I felt really bad for her.

"Stay here, baby girl." I whispered as she rested her head on my chest. "I'm sorry about your parents.".

"No, Billie. It's not your fault." she said. She yawned, and as I looked down at her I noticed a scar. I knew what it was from. Her heroin addiction. But she was still beautiful.

Her boobs were almost falling out of her shirt, and it was killing me. I felt myself getting hard.

"Courtney, sorry, but would you mind letting me get up?" I asked.

"Oh, sure, go ahead." she said, moving and letting me stand.

I went into my bathroom and locked the door. I unzipped my jeans and let my erection free.

Courtney's p.o.v

As I sat on the couch waiting for Billie to come back, I swear I could hear him moaning from the bathroom.

I perked up, listening hard. Was he jerking off in there? And if he was, was he jerking off to me?

No, he couldn't've been. Billie Joe Armstrong, turned on by me. Yeah, right.

I heard his footsteps and looked to see him coming back. He sat down beside me.

"Baby doll, would you like to sleep in my bed tonight?" he asked.

I felt myself blushing so hard. "Actually?" I asked.


He actually asked me if I wanted to sleep with him. But… I had to say no. What if he saw the scars on my arm? And what if I wasn't good enough for him?

I sighed and looked at the floor. "I can't, Billie. I'm sorry.".

"Oh… okay. Whatever you want, Courtney. Whatever you're comfortable with." he replied.

I felt kind of bad for saying no. And it wasn't about him at all, it was about me.

"I mean, it's not because I don't want to, it's because I can't. You're amazing, I just…" I sighed. "You're not gonna like my body.".

"Your body is great." Billie told me.

I shook my head. "I mean, there's something wrong with me.".

"No, there isn't.".

I abruptly stood up and headed for the door. I was making things so awkward.

"I actually can't stay." I said, slipping my shoes on. I didn't even look at Billie before I ran out the door.

Tears blurred my vision as I ran across the lawn to my house.

"Fuck me!" I sobbed, throwing myself against the wall. "Oh, fuck me!". I slumped down onto the concrete and cried. I felt so awful. I could've slept with Billie, but I said no. Because I didn't want him to see my arms. My arms that I cut.

"Stop your crying!!" I heard my dad shout from inside the house. That just made me cry even more.

I tugged at my hair out of frustration. One final sob, and deep breaths. It was only me in that moment, alone.

The screen door rattled open, startling me. "Are you gonna come inside or not!" my dad asks me.

"I'm coming." I mumbled, standing up.

"Get your ass in here.".

I brushed past my dad and went up to my room, and the first thing I did was close my curtains.

PULLING TEETH {Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now