🖤 Six 🖤

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: Rape/  sexual content

Friday night, me and Baz were doing heroin under the bridge again.

"You wanna go somewhere, Courtney?" he asked me as we watched the river flow.

"Where?" I ask.

Baz stood up and extended his hand to help me up. "There's a bar we could hit.".

"Alright, let's go.".

We walk about a block East and come up to a bar. As we stepped through the door, I felt eyes on me. A few men whistle.

Me and Baz sat down in front of the bartender, where a few other men are seated.

"How'd you land her?" one of the men asked Baz, pointing at me. "She's a goddamn smokeshow, and you're just a dweeb.".

"I'm not-" I started but then Baz gripped my thigh.

"I've got real charm." he said. I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand, deciding to go along with it.

"Aww, fuck, you're taken?" asked the guy to my left.

"Yes, I am! I am taken!" I shouted, probably a little too loud. I gave the guy a side- eye glare.

"So… I couldn't buy you a drink?" he asked me.

"Buy her a drink!? Pffft, I'd ask her for a blowjob." his buddy said.

"Hey, there's only one dick her mouth goes around, and it’s mine!" Baz replied. I elbowed him hard and made him yelp in pain, but I didn’t care. I already regretted going into the bar.

“Let’s get outta here.” I said, standing up. I headed towards the door, but I was stopped by someone.

“You look way too young to be here.” A man told me, grabbing my shirt and pulling me back. “How old are you?”.

“Twenty- four.” I replied.

“Show me I.D.”.

“No!” I screamed. “Let me go!”.

The man turned me around to face him. I looked past him, and saw that Baz had gotten into a fight with the men who were trying to get fresh with me.

“Let me go!” I screamed again.

“Not ‘til you show me I,D”.

“No!”. I struggled to get past him, but I did.

The fight had drawn a large crowd. I pushed to the front of the crowd to see Baz kicking some guy's ass.

"Stop!" I shouted at him. But I realized it was pointless. I ran outside and broke down in tears.

I sat against the brick wall outside the bar. I had never felt so lost in my life.

After a while of just crying, I stood up and started walking. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but almost. I walked along the side of the building into the alley behind.

I looked down, not wanting to be noticed by anyone. I was in my own world. But not for long.

I heard a chorus of whistles, and tried to ignore them at first.

“Look up, wouldn’t ya?”. I felt an arm clamp around my waist.

“Hey!” I shouted. “Get off of me! Get off of me!”.

“C’mon, honey. Just tell me how much you charge, I’ll give you the money, do your job, then we’ll leave you alone.” said the man who had grabbed me.

I looked at him, his ugly face, then the two other men who were eyeing me.

“I’ll give you double!” one of the other men called out.

“No! I’m not a hooker!” I shouted. “Leave me alone!”.

"Just fucking do it!" The man who grabbed me said, slamming me against the wall.

"Ouch." I said. "Please just let me go.".


"Yes!" I screamed in his face. I pushed him back and he fell back a few steps, but he was stronger than me.

"Get on your knees!" he shouted, slapping me across the face.

"Fuck you!" I screamed.

"Alright, that's enough, you slut." the other man said. He came to my side and pulled out a knife. I looked down at it, wondering if I should run. "You give my friend a blowjob, I leave you alone. You don't give him a blowjob, your head gets cut off.".

I bit my lip. "Fine." I said. I slowly sank to my knees, looking up at the two men.

Then I did one of the most disgusting things I ever did, which I'm not going to describe.

As I rose back, I actually threw up. The two men just laughed at me.

"Are you gonna give me money?" I asked them.

They looked at each other, then laughed even harder.

"Give you money!" One of them laughed. "No! Of course not!".

"It's my turn now." said the other one.

I bolted down the alley as fast as I could. Unfortunately, though, I was wearing high heels.

I glanced behind me, and the two men were close behind. I kicked off my high heels because I knew they were only slowing me down. I could feel every tiny rock on the ground beneath me, but I had to run.

I came to the end of the alley and looked around, deciding to just take a left and keep running.

A car sped down the street and screeched to a stop right beside me, almost running me over.

The front window rolled down. "Get in." Baz told me.

"What the fuck, Baz, you almost hit me!" I told him.

"Get in.".

I got into the passenger side, and before I even closed the door, Baz started driving.

He grabbed a can of beer out of the cup holder and took a sip.

"Are you drinking and driving!" I shouted.

"Yeah." he replied.

"You're gonna get us killed!" I screamed.

Baz looked at me. "No I won't!".

"Yes you will!".

"No, I won't!".

I looked ahead and saw that we were about to run a red light and drive into oncoming traffic.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" I shouted, and Baz slammed on the brakes. "Jesus christ, you're a fucking maniac!".

I sighed and noticed a ton of beer cans down by the pedals.

"Can I have a can of beer?" I asked Baz.

He handed me one. "If it'll keep you quiet, it's fine with me." he grumbled. He stepped on the gas again and we sped off. He weaved in and out of traffic as we drove out of downtown, cursing at almost everything.

I ended up spilling my beer all over myself and the passenger seat, Baz getting mad at me, of course.

But we somehow made it to my house in one piece.

I stepped out of the car. "Baz, are you sure you don't want me to call a taxi? You shouldn't drive." I said.

"I'm gonna drive! Baz told me.

"But I don't want you to die!" I said.

"I won't.". And with that, he sped off down the street.

"Fuck." I said. I fell to my knees onto the sidewalk and hugged myself, my bare arms cold from the unusually chilly night.

I started crying, feeling lost and pointless.

PULLING TEETH {Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now