🖤 Seven 🖤

230 4 8

Billie's p.o.v

It was around nine when I heard my doorbell ring. Then it rang again, and again.

"I'm coming!" I said as I ran to the door.

When I opened it, I saw a distraught looking Courtney standing there. Her makeup was smudged, she was barefoot, she looked scared and she was wearing no sweater, exposing her slashed up arms.

"Courtney, what the fuck happened to you!?" I asked.

She just looked up at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Come in." I told her. She stepped inside, then threw her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder.

I held her close to me as she cried her eyes out. I didn't know what happened to her, but I knew that she'd had a rough night.

"What happened, babe?" I asked. "What happened to your arms?".

"Billie… I… I… I did that." she said.

"Oh, Courtney." I whispered.

"I… I do it… almost every night. I'm a… I'm a stupid heroin addict… I want to die!".

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't believe that Courtney was saying this. I knew she wasn't doing too well, but I didn't think she was this bad off.

"Look, babe." I said. "You can stay here tonight, if you'd like.".

"Okay. I will." Courtney replied.

"Alright. And we can do anything you want to do, okay?".

"Okay, Billie.". She held onto me even tighter. "Thank you, Billie.".

"No problem.".


I let Courtney ramble on about random things to me for about an hour, and I could tell that she was drunk, and probably high from heroin. She laughed, and she smiled, and she cried. She was an emotional mess that night.

The whole time, though, I felt terrible for her. I saw her in a way I hadn't ever seen her before. The cuts and bruises on her arms were painful to look at, and the fact that she was on drugs was sad, too, because I knew it was her way of escaping.

"Can we go play some music?" she asked.

"Sure." I said. She followed me down to the basement and into my music studio. I handed her my blue fender precision bass. "You can play this.".

She took it out of my hands and examined it closely, taking in every detail. "This is ugly." she said.

She plugged into one of the amps and started playing a mess of notes. It sounded like chaos, kind of beautiful chaos, though.

"Fuck." she said. "Can't fuckin' do it.".

"It's alright, Courtney." I said.

"I suck at everything!".

"No, you don't.".

"I do!". Courtney broke down into tears, falling to her knees.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair, and kneeled down beside her.

"Courtney," I said. "Sweetie, it's okay.". I put my hand on her shoulder. Her skin was so soft, it felt like the skin of an angel.

She looked up at me through her tear filled eyes and I moved the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "I wanna kill myself." she said quietly. "Why should I stay here? I'm useless, I'm dumb, I'm ugly, I'm nothing!".

"You're beautiful inside and out, and you're a great bass player. You are worth it, Courtney." I told her.

"I wish I was like you." she said, then looked away.

I sighed. "No, you don't. You really don't.".

She looked back up at me, a glint of anger in her eyes. "Is this about the bus crash?".

I sighed and looked down. "No.". I stood up from the floor.

"Where are you going.".

"You ready for bed?" I asked her.

She set the bass down on the floor, switching off the amp. "Yeah.".

I extended my hand to help her stand up, and we went up to my bedroom.

"I'll be back in a minute." I told her, going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and got into my pyjamas.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I was Courtney sitting on my bed, in only a bra and underwear.

"Oh, fuck." I said under my breath. I felt myself getting hard. Her bra was black and lacy and her breasts were barely covered, and her underwear matched her bra.

I turned off the light and got into bed. Courtney got under the blankets and wrapped her arms around me. I held her tight, and she smelled like alcohol.

"Billie?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah, babe?" I replied.

"How many girls have you slept with?".

I sighed, feeling a lump in my throat. "A few, babe, a few.".

"Just a few? But Billie… you're so… handsome.".

"Thanks, babe.".

I just held Courtney close to me, my mind now far off. Physically I was in my bed, mentally I was somewhere else.

"Goodnight, Billie." Courtney said.

"Goodnight, Courtney." I replied. I planted a light kiss on her forehead.

PULLING TEETH {Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now