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Me and my team lived on a space station that grows it's own food. We were looking for Inhabitable plants. While harvesting some crops the lights flickered. We thought nothing of it. We were happy to be there despite the dangers. We wanted to explore the universe... Later that day the lights flickered again. Twice in a day was more than normal we still thought nothing of it. At about 5 am according to our clock. One of my mates woke all of us up. She does tarot reading. She said that she had an urge to pull a card and it told her that something bad was going to happen. She forced us to get our suits on. I was always quickest to get them on and once i did and had checked everything i was going to help the others. The ship shook and most of us fell. The lights had started to flicker once again. There was a loud sound. Before we knew it the ship was ripped in half by a black hole everyone was dead... I was the only one to get the suit on quick enough.. Hours went and here we are.. Not so much we but more me... I'm alone I'm going to die... If my body is every found which i doubt. Please tell my daughter that mommy loves her. Damn it... 5 minutes left of oxygen... Well this is a member of ship ------- and I'm ------- --------- in year --/-- /2022.
Signing.... Off.. Goodbye...

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