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"Brother...please.." i muttered.

     I yawned as i opened my eyes. We were still driving. I glanced at my brother. He was still asleep. Mom wanted to move but didn't know where to. So she let us pick. My brothers choice was way better in our price range. I hate that we have to move.
     My 17th birthday was coming up and now i won't be able to hang out with my friends. The choice brother picked out was a small town in Colorado. All the way across the states! I looked at mom. She seemed tired. "If you want we can pull over so you can rest mom. " she yawned and shook her head. "No we-" she yawns again. "We only have half an hour to go. " i softly grunted.
      I was so cramped. I hope the other teens are nice. I kept complaining in my head before dozing off again. I suddenly woke up when my brother pulled my hair. "Come on Josie! we're here! We gotta bring the stuff in, Moms exhausted." I yawned and got out.
      I took a nice long big stretch before picking up some of the luggage. As i walked towards the door i took a glance around. A movie like neighborhood. Same shape houses, different colors, with perfectly mowed lawns with some having different decorations.
      But that wasn't the creepy part. It was the people. They.. They were staring. They were all smiling. I looked at my brother, he didn't seemed fazed. He's normally the one who notices things first. I immediately went into the house and put the bags down and continued to go back and forth. When i was done i told my mother how.. Odd? The neighbors were.
     My mom seemed confused. She got up and whet to the window and looked out. They weren't staring anymore. My mother sighed softly and faced me "honey i know you didn't wanna move but you can't make things up." She motioned for my brother to come over. "Now you to go pick out your new rooms. " she then sat back down.
      As soon as she did me and my brother raced to get the biggest room. But he got there first so i got the other room with the weird Coraline door. It was underneath the wall paper. I assumed it was just cuz its an old house.
        I went down stairs and got my things and brought them to my new room. I pulled a box cutter out of my arts and crafts box. I made my way over to the door. Just as i was about to cuz it there was a knock at the front door. I out the blade down and went to answer the door. my brother had already done so. The neighbor was weird a huge smile.
        If it could go ear to ear it would. They had handed us cookies. Freshly baked. A few mins after the person had left i spoke. "The way they smile is weird." "I didn't see anything wrong with them" i brother said. "You love chocolate chip cookies, why aren't you eating any? " my mother noded in agreement as she grabbed another cookie.
        My brother groaned. "If you think their weird why are you eating them? ". I scoffed " because i don't wanna be rude! " my brother rolled his eyes "whatever" and he went back to his room. "The moving truck will be here tomorrow alright? " my mom announced, loud enough for my brother to hear.
        I took one more cookie and went to my room. I started to unpack my inflatable bed. Once it was done i got my pillow and blanket and put them on top. I glanced at the door. I sighed and went back over. I picked up the blade and cut the wallpaper.
        I opened the door to find a small storage space with what looked to be an extremely old lunch box. Metal, no design at all. I pulled it out and opened it. Luckily no spiders, but there was a old piece of paper. I pulled it out and opened it carefully. I cursive note. I was a bit confused. The house was built in the 80s but this note was from the 40s.
        The previous residents must have put this here as a joke. But the only line on this page was "LEAVE. THIS IS MY LAND. LEAVE OR I'LL CURSE YOU ALL!" odd but i went outside and through it away. Once inside i closed the disappointing.
       I then closed my bedroom door and laid down. It had only been 30 minutes but for some reason i was extremely tired. Before I knew it i was asleep. When i woke up it was dark. I wasn't in my bed. It was to dark to see so i has to rely on my other senses. I could hear a bit shuffling like a bunch of people.
      I could tell by what i felt on my body that i was in a chair tired up. I gathered this information before i could at least make out some figures in the dark. I looked to my right. Just more people trying to quietly move around.
      To my left. My mother also tied in a chair. But i don't see my brother. All of a sudden lights came on. Me and mom both closed our eyes before we opened them and adjusted to it. I saw a bunch of people standing and staring. They then moved aside and made a walk way. This lady along with my brother come walking down towards us. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I demanded.
        The lady wasn't smiling. My brother was. The most psychotic smile I'd ever seen. The women grined slightly. "Why aren't you two smiling? Do you not want to join our family?" She stepped closer. "I'm the great mother after all. If you live here your gonna have to show your mother some respect! " she scoffed.
         She then gave us a big smile. "Smile now my children or I'll have to punish you." My mother then shouted "LET US GO! LEAVE MY SON ALONE!" my brother smiled even more "no she my mother now. I'm home! " he said with gleeful tone.
         "PLEASE L-" I felt something warm on my face. I was scared to look over. "How annoying... " i heard the women say. "I slowly turned my head. I saw my mother crying. Blood dripping from her neck. The women forcefully grabbed her chin and carved a smile into her face.
         My brother then said loudly and happily " yay! She's smiling now! " when the women let go my mother was limp. Her eyes glazed over, her last tears running down her faace before mixing with her blood. I gulped before looking up at the women. She smiled at  her handy work before turning to me. "I was gracious to her cuz she birthed this adorable being" she hugged my brother.
          She then looked up at me. "I'll give you a second chance. Will you like to join our family?" I started to cry "your all crazy... " i muttered. "Hm? " the women seemed upset. I growled "YOUR ALL FUCKING CRAZY! "  my brother sighed.
        I looked at him "brother.... Please..." "ENOUGH" the women snapped. "come on little ones lets go the adults will take care of her" a bunch of children came out of the crowd and clung to the women as she escorted them out.
        When the door closed all the adults snapped the heads towards me. They came closer, Untieing me. I thought they would left me go but no. I was well alive to feel myself get my limbs tore off my body. I screamed in agony for someone to help. But to no avail. I cried myself to sleep.

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