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"Me and my friends were high as kites. we didn't expect anything to actually happen! " i sighed as they obviously didn't understand. As for my friends. If i can even call them that. I bit the inside of my mouth trying to think of a way to explain. I sighed once more. Then a the light in my head turned on. Why did i think of it before?! Just tell them from the start! Surely they'll understand then! "Ok you guuuyss..? Things?.. Sorry i don't know what y'all are called. I'm just tell the story from the beginning. Ok so um.." I sighed again still trying to understand everything myself. "I was bored around noon. I had finished eating my lunch. A bag of chips. Lol. I called like four of my friends over to smoke. I waited a few hours cuz they had to finish they're classes. Luckily i didn't have classes that day. Around 4 i hear a knock on my door. I rush to put on some short. I don't care if people see me in my bra. I rush over then opened the door to see my friends. " heya lilly!" Spice is always the most popular of us. And the prettiest.. Mark opened the door more " seriously lilly? Gonna invite us over but not inside "he was always cocky. Followed behind mark was evan the tall, quiet, and the most intimidating. Spice had a bag. Probably the stuff for the weed. Spice then grabbed my hand and pulled me close. " you hadn't been talking care of your hair again " i had completely forgot. I have big brown curls. I just brushed it off and said i would use my hair treatment stuff when i got a shower. After a few hours we were all completely stoned and a hour in a game of truth or dare. "Lilly! Truth or dare?" Mark said with a smirk. I quiet for a minute " dare." Mark got excited "i dare you to try to summon a demon with your ritual book! " i scoffed mainly cuz i didn't believe in these things. Spice had got me the book as a joke. I got up and grabbed the book. I looked through till i found one that i already had the ingredient for. Once i did i set up the ritual. Everyone was laughing. I really tried. When i opened my eyes. It didn't seem to have worked. "As i thought. Fake" i laughed. I got up and walked to them. We were about to go back to my room we the house statted to shake. I looked back at the pentagram on the floor. It started to crack and everything within the circle fall in. It became a fucking portal! I looked back at my ...friends... They were terrified. They pushes past me towards the door. I stumbled back. I slipped. Now clinging to the side. I was crying. I didn't know what was down there. "Spice! Please!! Help me!! " i cried and begged. Only to be meet with the most disgusted look on spices face before she shut the door. Seeing her face i realized they weren't my friends. I became weak and fell. I passed out half way though the fall. When i woke up i saw y'all." A loud cough interrupted me. "Lilly. Right?" The huge demon king i guess walked towards me and picked me up. I fit in the palm of its hand. As he took me somewhere. He then showed me my own body that had been impaled on a spike. I was dead.

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