I Have Chosen You To Be My Queen

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In italics is them speaking Egyptian

1336 BC

"Your Majesty, Prince Ahkmenrah is requesting your presence in the library" my hand maid Baketmut says with a bowed head
"Alone?" I ask turning from the balcony to face her
"Of course not your Highness. Pharaoh Merenkahre and Queen Shepseheret would not allow that. I shall be there as well as Prince Ahkmenrah's guards"
"Very well" I smile at the young girl "take me to him" I follow Baketmut to the library where Ahkmenrah is
"Ahk" I bow my head at the future king then look up. He does the same to me
"Amu, please join me" I take Ahks hand, he leads me to a large sofa and we sit down.

You see my parents and Ahk's parents were close friends and so Ahkmenrah and I grew up together alongside my brother Ramesses and Ahk's brother Kahmunrah. Now he is 18 years old and I 17 years of age. My parents died many years ago when I was just 8 years old, my brother being only 3 years old. Merenkahre and Shepseheret took us in as if we were one of their own. Kahmunrah was not best pleased and would pull nasty tricks on me, however as I've grown he seems to have stopped 
"My parents think it's time I find a wife, my Queen" my heart sinks. Ahk and I have been courting one another for 3 years now
"Oh" I turn away from him to hide my sadness and the tears that are about to fall. He places a hand on mine to which I move mine very quickly "that's excellent news" I sniffle a little, but then I hear a chuckle. I look back at Ahk who is now smiling
"I have chosen you to be my Queen"
"Me?" I point to myself. Ahk's smile widens as he nods his head "oh Ahk, I would be honoured, but you know my feelings on how many wife's you will have"
"I know. And that's why you will be my one and only. It's time we change and marry the ones we love"
"Are you sure? your father and mother won't be happy" I place a hand on Ahk's face
"I will suffer the consequences, my love" I hug Ahk just before we hear a throat being cleared
"So Ahkmenrah is going against father and mother for the first time. I wonder how they will take their golden child rebelling" I turn my head to see Kahmunrah stood at the door way "maybe I will finally get what I deserve and become Pharaoh"
"There's a reason your not" I mutter quietly making Ahk laugh
"It's getting late my love. Go to bed, have good dreams and I will get someone to organise the wedding" I stand up with Ahk's help. He places a kiss on my forehead before I say my good night and follow Baketmut to my chambers.

The maids and servants bathe me and get me dressed into my night attire before I get into the soft silk sheets.
I seem to lying there for quite some time not being able to sleep. I get out of bed and walk over to the balcony that is in my room. The warm air hitting my face. I look up to the sky and look at the moon and stars I pray to Hathor that my marriage to Ahkmenrah will be full of love every day and that I will be able to provide him with strong children to carry on his dynasty.
I remain standing at the balcony for some time before beginning to feel rather tired and I decide it's time to head back into my bed. Thankfully I fall asleep with no trouble.

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