Monkey, Stop It

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We arrive at a building where a lot of people are running out of. Larry starts shouting Lancelot's name, but he runs off. We follow him until we end up on a roof top
"Hey. Give me the tablet!"
"Stay back. Stay back. Stand back" Lancelot is holding a flame towards us "Whoa" I then notice his nose
"What?" Lancelot looks at me
"Your errr your nose" I point to mine "What about my nose?"
"Your nose is dripping" Larry says for me "What?"
"It's melting. From the fire" Lancelot puts out the fire then takes out his sword
"Okay. How bad is it?"
"It is not great"
"But I'm Lancelot!" he yells irritated
"There never was a Lancelot. Lancelot is a legend. You're not real" Larry tries to explain
"I don't understand"
"I know it's a lot to take in, but please, just give us the tablet" I step forward
"Oh, and then what? back to the museum? stand there as little children ogle and point?"
"And learn. And get inspired to do great things. There are far less noble fates, my friend" Teddy now joins in
"Not for me, there aren't. If there is no Camelot... there is no Guinevere and no Lancelot... then I'm nothing. I'm just a sad lump of misshapen wax. Stop looking at my nose!"
"I wasn't looking at it"
"You were, I saw you. You were like this. "Hmm, hmm." Staring" Lancelot is really irritated at this point
"I wasn't like that"
"You were. Don't look at it!" they continue to argue
"Monkey, stop it" Dexter, who is on Ahk's shoulder, covers his eyes
"Could you give me the tablet, please? give me the tablet. If you give me the tablet, I promise I won't..."
"This isn't going anywhere" I sigh looking at my hands they are all wrinkly
"Do not look at my nose"
"Give me the tablet"
"Look away"
"Give me the tablet"
"How hard could it be not to look at my nose? "
"I'm not gonna look at your nose. I can't help it"
" Look to the heavens" we all look up to the stars
"No one shall look at, or mention, my nose from this moment forward!" Lancelot shouts "I'm sorry, I forgot what we were talking about" Attila starts to collapse, Ahk gets even older, Teddy and Sacagawea start to freeze and I begin coughing
"We've run out of time" Ahk says
"I love you Ahkmenrah"
"I love you too Amunet"
"Listen to me. You got to straighten the pieces. Straighten the pieces right now or they're all gonna die! you too!"
"A world without Camelot is not a world worth living in" Ahk and I collapse to the floor holding on to each other waiting for death to come, but instead we are hit with life.
I take a gasp of air, finally not feeling dust in my throat or mouth
"My love, are you ok?" Ahk helps me up
"Yes, you?"
"Never better" all of us hug each other with excitement. I walk over to Lancelot who looks sad
"Hey. Thank you"
"How do I look? You look like Lancelot" I smile at him as his nose is not squished, not looking as it once was but better than it dripping.

We all return back to the Egyptian exhibit
"Well done" Ahk's mother hugs us both
"Thank you... for bringing my son and daughter in law home safely. It's a strange thing... seeing your boy become a man and the girl you helped to raise become a woman"
"There were lions chasing us" Ahk tells his mother. I walk over to the crib where our child is. I lift her up carefully, still not understanding how any of this is possible
"You've served my family well. We shall build a great tomb and bury you with many riches. I, personally, will see to it that your organs are removed... and placed in separate jewel-encrusted jars"
"Thank you" Ahk's father walks over to me
"You would have made an excellent mother then and I know you will now" I smile at Merenkahre and we walk over to Shepseheret and Ahk. He takes the baby from my arms
"You need to name her" his mother says
"We always liked the name Femi" I look up at Ahk whose smiling
"Then Femi it shall be"
"Thank you for giving me back my family, Larry... Guardian of Brooklyn" Ahk says waking over to to Larry "for giving me the chance to be a father" they hug before Nicky interrupts
"Dad, if we leave right now, we can still catch a flight... get home with everyone still awake before the sun comes up"
"Yeah, okay. Let's go home" Lancelot walks in with the dinosaur from earlier
"It's alright Larry. We've reached something of an understanding"
"Trixey, sit"
"Wow! That's really good. Good job, Lance"
"Thanks. Trixey, behave. Good girl. Steady"
"Lance, come meet Femi" I walk over to Lancelot
"She's... so small"
"She'll grow" merenkahre says taking the tablet off Ahk and reciting an Egyptian pray to make sure it definitely happens.

3 Years Later
We have become a traveling exhibition to American all thanks to Tilly who we have really become close to. Femi is still very small as she only grows at night time. Ahk and I are so in love with her it's unreal. We have just woken up from our sleep at the Museum of Natural History in America
"Hey Dexter" Dexter jumps on my shoulder as music starts to play thanks to Ahk. Laaa lifts Tilly in the air, Trixey and Rex are playing. I walk over to Ahk smiling with Femi in my arms
"6 months of this" I say smiling
"6 months with our friends. Although I'll miss it when it's over"
"We will be back. McPhee and Tilly will make sure, but before that we are going to the Smithsonian" I turn to my husband
"I can't wait" Ahk leans down and pecks my lips. He looks back up to the crowd "now you best go and save Lancelot from Baketmut, mother and fathers dancing" I giggle watching the Egyptians dance
"Or we could join them" I take Ahk's hand and join everyone dancing.

The End

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