The Name Is Amelia

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"Take the wheel" a man on a weird looking car says holding a flag. I mean I'm not complaining he just saved us from a hippo and a octopus
"What?" Larry asks confused
"I said, take the wheel! oh, we're
in it now! I love it! I love it! just keep her straight, I'll handle the rest. Now, charge!" we charge towards Kahmunrah's guards
"Okay, so what's the plan here?" Larry asks
"We're Americans! we don't plan, we do!"
"Erm I'm not"
"Just hold on!" we knock the guards down and kangaroos start jumping behind us "see that? act first, think later. Works every time. You're in good hands. General George A. Custer of the Fighting U.S. 7th Cavalry, at your service" George ends up hitting his head and falling of the funny car "I'm good, I'm good. Fly, you fool" he yells
"Larry they soldiers are still behind us"
"I know. We're going to be fine" suddenly a woman steps in front of us
"What's the rumpus, ace?"
"Look, lady, could you get out of the way?" Larry says
"Lady? Who are you calling lady?
The name is Amelia" an arrow bursts one of the tires and Karmunrah's men are running towards us
"Amelia it's lovely to met you but have got to go" Larry and I start to walk quickly away from the guards
"Amelia Earhart. Perhaps you've heard of me?"
"Sorry no" I shake my head
"You're a famous pilot or whatever" Larry says at the same time as me not knowing who she was
"Pilot? I was the first woman to fly the Atlantic. First woman to receive the Flying Cross, first woman to fly across the 48 states in a gyroprop"
"A what?" I ask
"A gyroprop is like a helicopter"  Larry explains to me as we are quickly walking and hiding behind walls to try and not run into Karmunrah's men
"Now if you'd wipe that perhaps permanent look of alarm off your kisser,
I was wondering if you might be so kind
as to tell me exactly where I am?"
"We're in a museum" I tell her
"Or, actually, under it and we're in kind of a dangerous situation right now, so you might not want to be anywhere near us" Larry tries to get Amelia to leave us alone
"What's your name, flyboy?" Amelia asks as she slides closer to Larry who is currently looking out for the guards
"My name is Larry Daley and this is Queen Amunet"
"A pleasure to meet you your highness. Larry Daley, in case you weren't listening,
I'm not one to shy away from danger" Amelia steps out and spears are thrown at her
"How about spears? are you one to shy away from spears?" I ask. Larry and I start to make our way out of the basement.

"You're quite the popular fellow, Mr. Daley. Why don't you just skedaddle?" we walk into the main lobby of the museum
"I can't skedaddle. Our friends are being held down there. We got to go get them.
I got to find another way down" we then notice the paintings have come to life
"Woah" I exclaim wide eyed
"This is new" the painting of children throwing snowballs starts to get scared "hey, it's all right. I don't want to hurt you" Larry tries to calm them down
"I don't think it's you they're afraid of, Mr. Daley" I turn and see some of the guards. We're then pushed into a corner
"Trade you. Thanks" Larry takes a pitchfork from a painting and gives the tablet to me to hold "back off! Just back off. I will fork you. How about you, huh?" Larry spins the fork around
"kamalikatik 'ana amuruk bialtawaquf" (as your Queen I command you to stop)
"nahn la nastamie alyk faqat Kahmunrah" (we do not listen to you, only Kahmunrah)
"Never send a boy to do a woman's job" Amelia takes the pitchfork from Larry "I spent two weeks spear-hunting
with a tribe in Micronesia" she throws the pitchfork and one of the guards catch it "the Micronesians had much slower reflexes" Larry takes Amelias arm and shouts
"Come on" we jump into a painting where people are celebrating somethings over
"Well, this is one humdinger of a hootenanny" we walk down the streets avoiding the guards when Larry's phone rings
"Wow, four bars in 1945. Hello?....Oh, I'm way past the stairwell, Nicky.......Sort of"
"What is that flibberty-widget you are talking to?"
"It's called a cell phone. I know I was very confused the first time I saw it too"
"It's Amelia Earhart" Larry continues talking to Nicky "I... Hey" one of the men from the painting takes Amelia "wait a minute"
"Woah woah buddy, what's your hurry? didn't you hear? the war's over"
"Ohhh world war 2" I finally realise whats going on
"Sorry. These guys are chasing me and my friend here"
"What? what am I looking at, Mardi Gras?" the man asks "what unit are you from?"
"I'm from Brooklyn"
"I'm from Ancient Egypt" I shrug
"What? are you serious? I'm from Flatbush! Hey, fellas! These so-and-so's are trying to rough up my pal and his girl here just 'cause he's from Brooklyn!"
"We're not.." I point between us
"Don't worry little lady we're here to protect you"
"Little lady! I'll have you know...." I'm cut off by Larry
"Thank you"
"You got it. Fight!"

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