Well This Is Akward

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"So Crazy Hair here, he sang. Oh, did he sing. Like a canary" Al says holding a little guy in his hand
"I'm sorry, Larry" he says disappointed
"Enough out of you.  Remember what happened last time?" Al flicks the little man in his hand
"That's enough" Larry tries to keep the piece. Kah throws Jed over his shoulder as he takes the tablet from Larry.
"Amunet stand here" I'm let go of and walk over to Kah "must be a real bummer for you, Larry, knowing that all of your valiant efforts were, in the end, for naught. What a terrible disappointment you must be to yourself" Kah places the tablet into the little hole "o you hear that humming sound? do you know what that sound is? that is the sound of the End" Kah then speaks Egyptian, summoning the undead "welcome to the new, extended reign of Kahmunrah, Fifth King of Egypt and now the world!" I rolls my eyes "Horus, Ra, my warriors, come forth! send Larry Daley and his friends to their doom! except my sweet love here" Kah puts his arm around me. The undead surround Larry and point spears at him.

"Halt! the mighty Octavius has returned.
I ride on the back of nature's most fearsome creature. I ride the squirrel!" Oct yells "forward now, my mighty steed. Woah, girl! Easy. Do you wish to surrender honorably? or must this end
with the spilling of your blood?"
"This? this is your big rescue?" Kah looks at me and I shrug then smile at him
"Oh silly me I've forgotten one extremely important detail in all this" I break out of Kahs grip "you were never the true ruler of Egypt. You were never officially crowned as pharaoh were you?" I smirk. Kah looks nervous
"And this tablet isn't yours"
"Well it's certainly not yours"
"Ah that's where your wrong. It's all just clicked" I turn my back on Kah and face the guards "ana Amunet malaka I Ahkmunrah, rabiean malik almuluk alraabie. Ana amruk bialtawaquf eanh wawaqfih" (I am amunet Queen to Ahkmenrah, forth king of the forth king. I command you to halt and cease him) I point to Kah who looks scared.

The window breaks some more and a large statue comes through
"What is that thing?" Kah asks
"The name is Abraham Lincoln. And you, sir, are in a heap of trouble!"
"Attack it" Kah yells but the men don't do anything
"aqtarih ealaykum jmyean aleawdat 'iilaa alealam alsuflii qabl 'an yata'adhaa sumun" (I sugest you all go back to the underworld before someone gets hurt) I say to the guards and they all disburse into the door they once came from
"Wait, wait, wait. No, no!" Kah yells. I walk up to him as the door shuts
"What are you going to do now?" I smile
"Well this is awkward" he says stood in front of everyone
"What now? Ivan asks
"You know, I'm not quite sure. I suppose we should probably start by watching him die" Kah points to Larry but before anything can happen a horn beeps making Kah revert back into being a child
"Oh now what?"
We are not going to attack right....now!" a man on a horse yells with all of our friends
"Get them!" Kah yells as he grabs me
"You know your not going to win right? you lost Egypt in a night. They found out you killed your parents, me and Ahk. The people rebelled and killed you. Took them a few days to find you of course"
"How do you know all this?" Kah asks
"When we were on display in London. Baketmut was there, muffled through the cloth she told us what happened to our bodies and Egypt. My brother, took over the throne and ruled for many years, he was considered a great king"
"I..." for once Kah is speechless.
"You don't know. Well now you do. You will never win" i say watching as we are beating the other side. I watch as Larry takes the tablet, he gives me a wink and I know he's up to something.

Larry walks backwards making the 3 of Kahs followers argue over whose the leader. Kah pushes me aside and takes a sword
"Very clever, Mr. Daley, getting them
to fight amongst themselves"
"Yeah. I can't really take credit. It was Abraham Lincoln's idea. You know, a house divided can't... doesn't do well.
"Yes, well you should have saved yourself
when you had the chance" Larry takes out his torch and holds it up, preventing Kah from harming him "because now I shall have the tremendous pleasure of killing you myself" I take the tablet from Larry as they fight. I place it in the hole and begin to type the code in
"What are you?"
"I'm the night guard" Larry responds pushing Kah over to where I'm stood just about to open the door
"I told you you'd never win" I push him through the door as he yells
"No!" and finally it's all over and the door closes.
Everyone it's cheering, but all I can think about is how I'm going to miss Agk even though I'll be the one in a dead like state
"The Battle of the Smithsonian. Perhaps the greatest battle the world will never know" cluster shouts to everyone
"We'll know" Larry smiles. He checks his watch and his smile fades "oh, man, I got an hour till sunrise. I got to get you guys back"
"In case you forgot, Gigantor, they don't want us there anymore" Jed says
"Well, I do and there's no way I'm having Ahkmenrah separate from his wife. Hey, think you could hook us up with a ride?" Larry asks Amelia
"My pleasure, of course"
"Hang on a second. One last thing I got to take care of" Larry walks off as a man in a suit walks towards me
"Your highness would you care for a ride back to your home?"
"Thank you" I take the mans are and he guides me towards a plane
"Now hang on tight"

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