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Ahk, Larry, Nicky and I run around trying to find the tablet when we bump into Gus and Reginald tied up
"That's what I'm talkin' about. Good job, gentlemen" Larry praises the cavemen, war guys and the tiny men "loving the teamwork" we run off again looking for the other old night watchman. We look all over before looking outside

"They've vanished" Ahk says holding my hand
"How will we find them?" I ask
"I know someone who could help. Come on"
"I don't remember doing this much running when we were alive Ahk" I sigh as Ahk pulls me along with him. We end up at a large glass case
"Watch out!" Larry says as he pick up a rock of some sort, breaking the glass and letting the lady inside free "hey, Sacagawea or waya. Listen, I need a favor. Somebody stole his tablet. You think you can track the guys who took it?"

We all end up back outside where Sacagawea is looking at tracks in the snow
"He went east, but he lost control and crashed"
"You're amazing. How can you tell that?" Sacagawea points and we look to see a... erm I'm not sure what it is but it's crashed
"He left the wagon and went back" Sacagawea states
"He went back?" Larry asks
"Why would he go back?" I ask then we hear horses
"Get out of the way!" the man yells. Sacagawea gasps as shes pushed out of the way by Teddy who is now spilt in half
"You saved me"
"You're worth saving, my dear"
"Awww they love each other" I smile. Larry and Nicky look at me "what? I've always been a romantic"
"That you have my love" Ahk kisses my forehead
"Teddy! Oh, man"
"Larry, relax. I'm wax. Listen you gotta do something. Dawn's approaching, and half the museum is running amok outside"
"He's got my tablet" Ahk says. Just then a little thing comes riding over to us
"At your service, Gigantor" Jed says
"What are all of these... contraptions?" I ask
"That's a remote control car. You both have a lot to learn"
"How can we be of assistance, my liege?" Octavius now asks
"Just give me a second, guys" there's a loud  thumping and then a roar "Rexy" Larry points his finger at the large beast "here, boy. Teddy, I need a horse"
"Do it, man"

"It's a dinosaur"
"A dinosaur?"
"Yeah. Tyrannosaurus Rex"
"A what now?"
"T-Rex for short"
"Huh" Nicky has explained to me what we are currently riding. As we pick up speed Ahk and I start laughing.
We met up with the Huns and Larry who has Cecile
"Hey, Huns" he tries to greet but is ignored
"Tell Attila to have his boys take him back to the museum, put him with the guards" Larry asks Ahk. Ahk translates for Larry "oh, and no limb ripping, okay?" Attila speaks Hun and tries to convince Larry
"Makeekaka." Attlila asks and Larry agrees to a little limb ripping
"Hey, w-wait. Hold the phone. What does "makeekaka" mean? Wait. Translation, please" Cecile is carried off
"Oh, boy"
"What is it?" Ahk asks Larry
"I gotta get you guys back to the museum"
"How?" Nicky now asks
"Ahkmenrah, I'm gonna need your help. This is your tablet. You know the instructions. I need you to get everyone back"
"Amunet, will you help"
"Of course my love" Ahk takes the tablet from Larry and we hold it together speaking Egyptian to force everyone back inside of the museum. The tablet glows and Rexy is off.

"Inuit" Ahk says as each person or animal comes into the museum
"One terra-cotta soldier" I say
"Alpaca and Llama" I say as the 2 creatures come in with 2 ladies
" Welcome back, ladies" Larry greets the woman that just walked in
"Viking guys. Do me a favor. Your fellows made some sort of funeral pyre-type thing in Petrified Wood. Go clean that up, okay? Thank you"
"Uh-oh. He's back" Ahk says as a moose tries to walk in through the main doors
"All right. I'll deal with this joker. Hey, hey, moose! It's not gonna happen, buddy! I told you three times. You can't come through this door with those antlers. So you and your caribou buddy gotta go around to the loading dock"
"Hey, Teddy! great to see you in one piece"
"Sakagawea, a little hot wax, and I'm a new man"
"Don't you just love love?" I turn to face Ahk who is smiling down at me
"Larry?" a woman I don't recognise walks in
"I told you I wasn't making fun of you"
"I know"
"Teddy?" Sacagawea walks over to us holding something of his
"Ahhh more love" I clap, Ahk just chuckles at me "can't you see it. Larry and that woman, they look at each other with love"
"And how do you know that?"
"Because I know what love looks like" we continue to count the rest of the animals to make sure we haven't lost any. Ahk and I go to our sarcophagus
"Until tomorrow my love" Ahk helps me in placing a kiss on the back of my hand
"Until tomorrow" he places the lid on the top and I close my eyes. It doesn't take long until I'm asleep.

The next evening we have a party, Larry introducing us to new music
"You know this music isn't half bad" I smile "hi dexter" the capuchin monkey jumps on my shoulder as Ahk and I are dancing. Nicky is riding Rexy.

Let's see what tomorrow night brings....

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