The Wheat Is Growing

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1 year later- 1335

Ahkmenrah and I were married 6 months ago. Normally the Queen would be with child by now, however I seem to be struggling to conceive. I am praying to Hathor, Min and Taweret that we will be able to have a child soon
"My Prince, your mother and father have taken ill" Baketmut runs into the library, Ahk reading up on the past rulers and I reading on what makes a good Queen. We put our books down and make our way to the King and Queens chambers. Kahmunrah is already there
"My son" Merenkahre croaks out "until we are well. I need you to take over as Pharaoh"
"But father, I'm not..."
"If you say your not ready I will jump out of this bed and beat you with a stick" Merenkahre laughs, which turns into a cough
"Ahk, Kah. Give us a moment alone with Amunet" Shepseheret softly speaks. The two men walk out of the room "come my dear" I walk around the bed to Shepseheret and take her hand "are you yet with child?" I look down at my feet, feeling ashamed
"No my Queen"
"Your time will come, here" Shepseheret pulls out a amulet that is in a box by her bed "wear this. My mother gave it to me to help with fertility. Wait until the full moon and keep praying"
"Thank you my Queen" I place the amulet around my neck and walk out of their room. Ahk and I take each others hands and decide to take a walk outside
"Where did you get that from?" Ahk asks
"Your mother. She said it will help us to have a child"

3 months later
I haven't had a bleed in 2 full moon cycles. And I have been rather sick recently. I have been peeing on barley and wheat every day since my suspicions and today the wheat is growing. Ahk and I are to have a baby girl. I leave for our chambers where Ahk is getting ready, Baketmut on my trail. I walk in with a huge grin on my face, shutting our door for some privacy
"Love, what is it? what's got you all happy?"
"The wheat is growing"
"Your with child?"
"Yes" I breathe out. Ahk runs up to me and spins me around
"We should celebrate, let's find mother and father" Ahkmenrah takes my hand and we walk to the garden where Merenkahre and Shepseheret are
"Good evening" Shepseheret says acknowledging our presence. Thankfully they got better after their sickness, which we all are grateful for
"Mother, Father. We have some news" Ahk squeezes my hand a little "Amunet is expecting"
"My dear that's wonderful news" Shepseheret pulls me in for a hug
"My son" Merenkahre places a hand on Ahkmenrah's shoulder "I'm very happy for you. Congratulations. Baketmut inform our people that we will be making an announcement tonight"
"Yes your highness" Baketmut bows her head and leaves us
"Which grew? the wheat? or barley?"
"The wheat" I reply to Shepseheret
"My son, may I speak with you?"
After Ahkmenrah and his father spoke, Akh comes to our chambers telling me all about how his father has been creating this tablet for him, however he doesn't know much about it. The next day we had our announcement and the people of Egypt are rather excited and happy for us.

Weeks go by and Merenkahre and Shepseheret fall ill once again, but this time they don't recover. The ritual of removing their organs and embalming them started a couple days ago, Ahkmenrah is now Pharaoh and I his Queen. Kahmunrah has been very grumpy and I just can't be dealing with him at the moment while Ahk and I are sorting out the proper burial for his parents
"Amunet?" I hear my name being called. I turn around to face Kahmunrah "when did you last eat or even drink? this can't be good for the baby"
"I'm eating and drinking fine" I turn back around to watch Ahkmenrah talking to a man who is moving the former King and Queens things
"Please, it would make me feel much better if you have something to eat. After all you are carrying my niece" Kahmunrah stands next to me offering me some bread. I take a piece trying to get him to shut up
"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask
"Hate you? oh no I don't hate you"
"But since I have lived here you have tormented me"
"I have because I hate how close you and my brother were and still are. I wish it were I who married you and because pharaoh" Kahmunrah places a hand on my shoulder. I quickly shrug it off
"There are many woman who would wish to marry you. Chase them not me" I walk away from him.

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