You Would Not Believe How Stuffy It Is In There

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Once again I wake up in the crampt space
"hal ant mustayqiz hubiy" (Are you awake my love?) I hear Ahk say next to me, muffled by the badges that I know are around him as they are me
"naeam eazizati" (yes dear) I reply just as muffled. I then hear Ahk banging on his sarcophagus, I sigh knowing this happens every time we awaken
"Yell all you want Pharaoh. You've been in there 54 years, your not getting out tonight" I hear a man sternly say
"tahdiat malakiun" (calm my king) I calmly say wanting to listen to what the man is saying to I believe someone else
"There's the source of all this commotion. The Tablet of Ahkmenrah. Arrived here in 1952 from the Nile Expedition. On that night, everything in this museum came to life and every night since"
"So everything in this museum comes to life every night?"
"Exactly" the two men continue to talk
"And I'm supposed to do what?"
"Your the night watchmen Lawrence. A venerable position in this institution" the one man yells which makes the other one  scream
"limadha" (why?) I sigh to myself
"If that one is Ahkmenrah" I presume the man Laurence is pointing at Ahks sarcophagus "this must be..."
"Amunet, his Queen, indeed Laurence"
"Not much is knows about her, just she only ruled alongside her husband for 10 months before dying during childbirth" I chuckle to myself knowing that was incorrect
"Come on lad"
"Alright, ok. This is impossible"
"Nothing's impossible if it can be dreamed it can be done" the voices get quieter as I think they must be leaving. That night Ahk and I talk and reminisce about our time in Egypt.

Talking to one another and our past continues on to the next night, but the night after I'm woken up to the sound of a roar, which isn't uncommon, but tonight something feels different
"ya hubiy , yabdu al'amr kama law 'anana numnan lifatrat 'atwal. 'asheur kama shaeurt eindama aistayqazna lilmarat al'uwlaa" (my love, it feels as though we have slept longer. I feel as I did when we awoke for the first time) my eyes widen wondering what has been going on
"asheur bih aydan" (I feel it too) just the we hear a yell
"Nicky!" it sounds like Laurence
"Just in time Larry. We were just locking up" a voice I recognise says, so it isn't Laurence then it's Larry? this kinda sounds muffled which means they aren't to close, but the real question is who are all of these new people?
"Sleep tight hotshot"
"Teddy, Teddy if your out there I need you pal!" I hear Larry yell
"ma aladhi yahduth hunaka?" (whats going on out there?) I ask, but I know Ahk will also be wondering the same as me. I can still hear talking but it's not clear.

Ahk continues to scream and yell to get some one to let him and I out when finally I hear a crash
"Hey, hi. How you doing? Sorry to bother you, but your guys there, your jackal guys. Do you think you could ask them to back off please? 'cause we're not trying to hurt you and I think they think we are. Think you could possibly do it, now!" Ahk yells in Egyptian for our jackals to stop "thank you" this Larry breathes out
"tamsik bihabiy , sa'akhrujuk" (hang on my love, I'll get you out) Ahk says groaning
"Dad!" a little boy yells, maybe this is Nicky?  I hear Ahk cough
"You would not believe how stuffy it is in there" finally I can hear my sarcophagus open up. I sit up and feel someone, most likely Ahkmenrah taking my bandage off. When I open my eyes I see him in front of me, my handsome husband, not aged a single bit from when I last saw him. He helps me out of my sarcophagus when I see a little boy and man stood in our tomb
"How come you can speak English? can you speak English?" the little boy asks
"We went to Cambridge university" I speak in English
"You went to Cambridge?"
"We we're on display in the Egyptology Department. I am Ahkmenrah, forth king of the fourth king, ruler of the land of my fathers"
"And I am Amunet daughter of the moon God"
"Ughh I'm Larry, son of Milton, and this is my son, Nick. And we hail from Brooklyn" Larry speaks "well I do. I mean he comes out and stays with me on Wednesdays and ever other weekend. That was the err custody agreement that we had" Ahk and I look at one another confused before looking back at Larry and Nick
"Larry Nick guardians of Brooklyn, we are forever in your dept. Now bestow the tablet upon me so that I may assume command of my kingdom"
"Oh yes. Ok the tablet. I would... love to bestow it upon you, but we don't actually have it"
"Excuse me?" I step forward frowning "we're is it?"
"It's been stolen, ask your jackal friends to open up the gate and we will get it back to... bestow it to you" I look at Ahks face to see he's looks furious.

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