This Is A No-Touching Zone

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"Didn't expect your friend to run off like that did you?" Kah asks sat back on his pretend throne
"He's coming back, Ka-Ka-Ro. Sure as moon shines on a mongoose, he'll be here" Jed tells Kah
"I would save my breath if I were you. You don't have many left"
"Did I ever tell you how much I hate you?" I ask crossing my arms
"Thats because of my brother. He was soft, and so were you. He made me out to be the bad guy"
"You are"
"Oh come now, would a life with me have been so bad?"
"Yes" I scoff at him
"Why because I would have more than one wife? or because I would actually rule properly"
"Because I didn't and don't love you. Plus the others"
"Oh my dear Amunet, it's a good job you're here with me now. We can finally rule together and you shall be the queen you were supposed to be" Kah tries to move a piece of hair behind my ear, but I move away from his touch
"You will learn to love me"
"I'd rather die all over again" I mutter.

"Look a little nervous there, Ramen Noodle, 'cause for me, this is like a spa treatment. Sand baths are really rejuvenating for the skin. Exfoliates. Giving up yet?" Kah is tapping his leg up and down with nerves
"Not quite yet, no. In fact, let's see if we can't make time fly" Kah shakes the hourglass
"Kah stop please. You promised an hour so he should be given an hour. A good pharaoh should always honor his word"
"What is that funny sound?" the large window is then crashed into and something that resembles a plane comes crashing into the room
"Stop!" Kahmunrah yells "right there, please, Mr. Daley. Well. Well, well, well. You certainly know how to make an entrance, Mr. Daley. I hope for your little friend's sake, here, that you also figured out the combination"
"Give me Jed and Amunet" Larry walks over to Kah as some guards grab hold of me
"Oh, no, no, no. First, give me the combination and hand over that tablet"
"I'll give you the tablet and the combination when you release my friends and give them back to me"
"I shall release what I want to release the moment I want to release it"
"Kah just give him Jed or even me" I shout getting irritated
"I'll release what I want to release at the exact moment that I want to release it, okay. Tell me the combination and give me that tablet right now or I shall kill hmmmm all of your friends, starting with the little shaggy-headed little cowman here"
"I ain't shaggy-headed. Gigantor, let me take this guy" Jed yells
"Don't worry, I got this handled. You don't want to give me my friends, then you're not gonna get your combination or your tablet"
"All right, I'll tell you what. They didn't call me Kahmunrah the Trustworthy for nothing" I roll my eyes at Kahs childish behaviour "here you go. They didn't call me Kahmunrah the Trustworthy. They called me Kahmunrah the Bloodthirsty, who kills whoever doesn't give Kahmunrah exactly what he wants in the moment that he wants it, which is right now, when I had also better get the combination and the tablet"
"That's what they called you?"
"No they called him Kahmunrah the weak" I laugh
"Oh shut up"
"You know the actual reason why Ahk became pharaoh and not him was because Kah couldn't hold his fathers staff"
"So I trained. Then my brother was weaker than me"
"I'm not sure about that. You had the muscle yes but not the brain. What's the saying Larry? the lights are on but no ones home" the guards hands tighten around my arms
"Amunet I swear I will not marry you if you don't stop talking" Kah snaps at me
"Oh that's the best thing I've heard all day" I sigh
"Ughhh guys still trapped in here"
"Sorry Jed. Look I'll give you the combination after you give him back" Larry goes to take Jed from Kah
"How dare you. If you touch that again,
I shall kill you right now. Do not touch this. This is a no-touching zone"
"Good. Well, then..." Larry tried to take Jed again
"Oh, my God! I can't believe you reached across like that again. I can't even believe it. Oh, God, I want to kill you right... If you didn't know this combination, you'd be so dead right now, it would be unbelievable" Kah really is acting like a child that is just having one huge tantrum
"Great, but I do know the combination"
"Don't cross this line with your hand!" Larry goes to take Jed once more "how dare you! If you speak again, I'm going to kill you. Do you understand this? don't say it!" Larry tries to talk  "oh, God, I see you getting ready"
"I wasn't gonna say anything" Larry shrugs. I'm not really sure what Larry is trying to do right now, but watching this is actually quite funny
"Oh, my God, don't say anything. I shall murder you if you talk again. Now give me that tablet and tell me the combination"
"Okay. After you give me Jed, Amunet and release my friends"
"You did all three. You spoke and you reached your hand across"
"Look. I can talk to you about this all night, okay?"
"How about this? how about I don't kill you right now, like I really, really want to, and I give you precisely five seconds to give me that tablet and tell me the combination"
"We already got the combination. It's pi" Al Copone walks in with Napoleon, Ivan and the other guards. I sigh with sadness knowing that the underworld is now going to be released.

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