Too Dark?

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We end up finding Octavius's cape attached to an air vent
"They won't last long in those heating vents, Lawrence" Teddy expresses his concern
"At their size, they'll bake like tiny little scarabs in the Sinai. Too dark?" Ahk looks at me and I nod my head with a concerned expression. Larry goes over to a wall and breaks something. My guess is he's turned off the hot air
"They could be anywhere between here and the intake vent. What do you see, Dex?"
"You know he's a monkey, Lawrence. He can't talk. No, but he can fit. Nicky... give me your phone"
"For Dex"
"I don't understand one thing that's going on here"
"I don't, either. Dad, what's going on?"
"I'm sort of set up to track your phone"
"You're sort of set up to track my phone? you track my phone?" I switch off at this point feeling weak and sickly
"My love are you ok?"
"I just need to sit" I sit on a bench, Ahk sits next to me
"So she's taken?" Lancelot says pointing at me
"Their married" Teddy clarifies
"Ahh. Well you've got a fine woman on your arm"
"I know" Ahk kisses my forehead
"Dex, come here. Thanks, man. Listen. I need you to go down there and find them, all right. Think you can handle it?" Dexter gives a salute "good man. Stay safe" Dexter goes into the vent and we begin to follow Larry shows tracking him on his phone
"I think it's right here" Lancelot start laughing. I crease my eyebrows
"Right here. Classic. The gift of laughter. Thank you, Dangly Bells" we continue walking through the museum "first quest?"
"Not exactly"
"I thought you were going to Egypt"
"We are, but we got to do this first"
"Is he annoying you as well?" I ask Ahk who chuckles and shakes his head "what? I'm being serious" I laugh not able to hold it in
"Is it true what he says?" Lancelot turns to look at Ahk and I "the tablet that you carry is magic?"
"It is, indeed. Everything around you has come to life tonight for the very first time... all because of this tablet" some birds fly past, one small one lands on my shoulder tweeting
"Amazing. Then they're not real?"
"They're as real as any of us"
"Yes, but we're real people. They're just things. And they don't even know. They must be unbelievably stupid" oh if he only knew
"It can be confusing at first" Teddy tried to say to him
"Hello, frog. Keep hopping. You're real"
"Guys, I think we're gonna have to cut through Asia" Larry says and Lancelot walks away from us
"Not a clue" Teddy says to Ahk and I
"None" Ahk shakes his head.

We get to the Asia exhibit where a... thing tries to stop us
"Oh hey, guy. We're just passing through"
"It's a Garuda from Tibet" Teddy informs us
"A Garuda.Hi, Garuda. How you doing? "Garuda. How you doing?" it repeats
"Cool, great. Okay. We just... You know what? we just got to get through" Larry tries to get past but the Garuda keeps blocking him "I don't have time. Please. Okay. I'm not gonna play this game with you. I got to go through" I look up and see a large snake asleep
"Larry" I whisper getting his attention
"Get back" Larry whispers. Ahk pulls me to the side
"A dragon" Lancelot states excitedly
"No, it's not a dragon. It's a... its a Xiangliu. Mythical snake demon"
"It looks like a dragon. I say we kill it"
"What? no, it's asleep"
"You're right. It's not very sporting to kill it while it's asleep. Let's wake it up and then kill it. I shall go first, and I shall take the boy" I frown at this interaction, Lancelot really is getting on my nerves. Things would be going so much quicker if we didn't have him
"What are you...? no. You're not gonna take the boy"
"Why not?"
"Because he's a boy"
"Larry, there comes a time in every man's life... when he must slay his own dragon"
"Not this kid, all right? he still hasn't finished all his thank-you notes from his bar mitzvah. Anyway, that's just an expression"
"Guys we're running out of time. Why don't we just go around the snake quietly" I suggest. We all slowly walk around the snake. Ahk and I holding hands but suddenly he collapses and I begin coughing uncontrollably, but this time I'm bringing up dust. This is not good. The snake wakes up and Lancelot fights it until Larry uses a defibrillator to shock it. Finally I stop coughing and Ahk is able to stand
"Are you ok my love?" he asks
"Me? what about you?" I place a hand on his cheek
"I'm fine, but you coughed up dust"
"I don't like what's going on Ahk, I'm scared"
"Me to, but we will be ok" Ahk kisses my forehead
"Guys how are we going to find them now?" Ahk asks as Larry holds up his phone which as been broken
"Lawrence? I fear we've turned a corner. I'm becoming wax again, son"
"All right. We'll look for them later. We got to get to Egypt now"
"Wait, shouldn't we keep looking for Jed and Octavius"
"Nick is right. A true knight never shirks his duties"
"If we don't get to Egypt soon we're not gonna save anybody" we walk through the Asia exhibit, Ahk and I holding hands with one another.

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