Chapter 6

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Christopher walked into Meredith's hospital room and saw her sound asleep and snoring in her bed. She was clutching her stuffed animal, Puppy, to her chest.

Christopher sighed, not wanting to wake her up. But unfortunately he needed to do a small procedure on her, a procedure that would cause her pain and scare the little girl.

Christopher turns his head to the door when he sees Nurse Debbie walk in with the supplies needed for the procedure.

"Let me wake her up and talk to her first. She's going to be scared so I want to explain the procedure to her first." Christopher says to Nurse Debbie.

"Of course Dr Shepherd." Nurse Debbie says softly.

Christopher gently rubs Meredith's shoulder to wake her up. "Mer, can you wake up for me sweetie?"

"Mommy?" Meredith says, half asleep.

"It's Dr Shepherd Mer, Amelia and Derek's Daddy. Wake up for me sweet girl." He says, stroking her hair.

Meredith slowly opens her eyes. She gives him a little smile when she sees him. "Hi." She whispers sleepily.

"Hi Meredith. Did you and Puppy sleep well?"

Meredith nods sleepily. "Still tired." She looks around. "Where's Mommy?"

"She's working sweetie." He sees her lower lip start to wobble and knows she's about to burst into tears. "I know you want your mommy. I'm sorry she's not here."

"Want Mommy." She says, starting to cry.

"Shh, I know sweetie. Can I page Carolyn for you instead?"

Meredith nods so he pages Carolyn who arrives just a few minutes later. Carolyn sees the medical supplies and knows that the NG tube will be going in shortly. Luckily Meredith has not yet noticed the medical supplies in the room yet. She's been too focused on wanting her mommy and being tired.

"Meredith, we need to do a little procedure on you. This will help you get all the nutrients you need. I know it's been really hard for you to eat lately so this will help you out." Christopher tells her.

Meredith's eyes go wide and she shakes her head no.

"Mer, it'll be okay." Carolyn says.

"Don't want to." Meredith cries out.

"I know baby, but this will help you. Can we show you the procedure on your puppy first?" Carolyn asks.

Meredith nods and hands over  Puppy.

Christopher demonstrates the procedure on Puppy. After he finishes with Puppy, Meredith hides under her covers. She is really scared.

"Baby, I know you're scared but we really need to do this. Can I hold you in my arms while he does the procedure?" Carolyn asks her.

Meredith slowly pokes her head out from under the blankets and they see all the tears running down her face. "I don't like being in the hospital!" She cries. "It hurts!"

"I know sweetie, I know." Carolyn sits on the bed and holds her arms out to Meredith. "Come here baby. Come sit with me."

Meredith crawls into Carolyn's arms and just cries. She buries her head into Carolyn's chest and sobs.

"Hey Meredith, did you know that after we get this tube into you, you'll be able to go home with us?" Christopher says.

"Really? I can go home?" Meredith asks, mumbling into Carolyn's chest.

"That's right! So as soon as we do this, the sooner you can come home with us. I know Amelia, Derek and Mark are all excited to see you." Carolyn says.

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