Chapter 26

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"Meredith? Are you ready?" Christopher asked with a smile as he entered the little girl's bedroom

"Yep. All ready" She smiled

Carolyn had put on her leg braces and a pretty dress. Today they would pick up Meredith's customized wheelchair.

"Mama, will Amy come as well?" Meredith asked

"No monkey. Amelia has left for school already while you were still sleepy." Carolyn replied

"Oh.. Okay" Meredith nodded her head

"Let's go now" Christopher smiled and lifted the girl in his arms

"Careful with your back" Carolyn whispered and placed her hand on his back, scared her husband would overdo

"It's okay" Christopher smiled and carried the girl to the car where he made sure she was buckled in


"Great job Meredith. Can you try to turn around?" Dr Torres asked her

"Mommy, look!" Meredith giggled as the disco lights went on as she turned

"Wow, it's really cool!" Carolyn smiled trying to keep her tears at bay by seeing her daughter in her own wheelchair

"But it hurts my arms" Meredith complained after a bit

"I know, monkey. That's why daddy and I can push you" Carolyn planted a kiss on Meredith's forehead and wheeled her out of the room

As they were making their way over to the exit they suddenly saw someone they knew very well


Ellis was at the hospital for an emergency surgery. Carolyn and Christopher knew she now lived in Boston where she had an ever bigger career than ever before

When Meredith spotted her the little girl's eyes widened in fear. "Do I have to go back? Don't you wanna be my mommy and daddy anymore?" She asked

"No, baby. You're forever staying with us" Carolyn assured Meredith while Christopher walked over

"Ellis, what are you doing here?" He asked as he watched her staring at Meredith who was very anxious

"I had surgery. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see her" Ellis said as she kept looking at Meredith who was still anxiously looking in Carolyn's arms

"We're here because she needs a wheelchair from now on. Not all the time- But walking gets a little hard" Christopher explained to Ellis

"She- She really needs it?" Ellis asked

"She does. She's been unable to walk because her hip had dislocated. It just made it speed up-" Christopher explained

"I- I have to go" Ellis nodded and suddenly walked away

Christopher turned around and saw Meredith looking at him. Her eyes red from crying, Carolyn had her arms wrapped around the little girl in a try to comfort her

"Do I have to as well?" She asked

"No honey, you'll never have to leave us again. We're family, you're our daughter" Christopher promised

"Okay daddy.." Meredith quietly said

"Let's go home, monkey" Christopher kissed Meredith's forehead and pushed her out of the hospital towards their car and the family drove home. They tried to cheer up her mood as Carolyn sat next to the girl and they played some small games during the car ride

As they arrived back at the house Christopher got Meredith's wheelchair out of the car

"We should let her try to enter the house by herself, don't you think?" He asked his wife who agreed

"Hey Mer, what do you think?" Shall we do a race of who gets in first?" Carolyn teases the little girl

"Yes! I'll win!" Meredith smiled as Carolyn lifted Meredith into the chair and strapped her in

"3. 2. 1. Go!" Christopher announced

Meredith quickly pushed herself up to the house, not even noticing Carolyn was helping her push up the ramp a little as she knew the girl's arms weren't so strong

"I won!" Meredith smiled

"You did! You're so fast in your new chair!" Carolyn gasped, hoping Meredith would find some confidence back now

"I'm not the slowest anymore!" Meredith smiled

"You're super fast" Carolyn kissed the girl's forehead and helped her inside. "Monkey, tell us what you wanna do." Carolyn smiled

"Dunno" Meredith shrugged her shoulders

"Do you wanna take a nap until the other kids are here or do you wanna play a little?" She suggests as Christopher walked inside

"Little nap?" Meredith quietly asked as if she was scared they would laugh or say no

"Of course. Let's get you into something comfy and then you can nap. Maybe Amy, Der and Mark can wake you up, would you like that?" Carolyn asked with a smile

"I'd love that!" Meredith nodded

"I'll carry you upstairs," Christopher nodded. He hated the house nowadays for how limited Meredith could move around


"Mer?" Meredith recognized Amelia's voice

"Meredith!" She heard the boys' voices

"Hi!" She smiled as she opened her green eyes

"We missed you lots and lots!" Amelia hugged Meredith without thinking, luckily for Meredith she wasn't feeling miserable

"Meredith, do you wanna get up with us? Mom and dad said you have your new wheelchair and you're superfast in it!" Derek smiled

"Oh- Kay" Meredith nodded

"I'm here to help you get up. Guys, why don't you change into something more comfortable?" Carolyn suggests so she'd be able to get Meredith ready

"Okay!" The three agreed

"Can I wear my princess shirt?" Meredith asked

"Of course sweetheart. Let's nebulize first and then we'll get that shirt for you." Carolyn promised

Once Carolyn had gotten Meredyith ready she called out for Christopher to carry her down

"In my wheelchair daddy! I'm gonna race the boys!" She smiled

"Oh you really will race them?" Christopher winked

"Yep! I'm super fast!" Meredith giggled

"Hey Mer! Are you ready?" The boys walked up as Christopher strapped her in to make sure she wouldn't fall or slip out of it

"I'm ready!" She smiled

"Okay guys, let's do it on the concrete." Christopher said, knowing the grass would be too hard for the little girl

"Daddy, can I count down?" Amelia asked

"Of course Amy!" Mark smiled

The Shepherd family got out, Christopher and Carolyn on the sides, Meredith, Derek and Mark ready on the pavement while Amelia was jumping up and down until she could start counting down

3. 2. 1. Go!" Amelia screamed

The boys were obviously holding back but Meredith gave everything she had in her small arms. She smiled as she saw she was first and hurried her way to the finish

"Come on Mer!" Amy cheered for her. "You're super fast!"

"Ah damn!" The boys groaned as Meredith crossed the finish line

"Congratulations Meredith. You were really really fast" Derek smiled and gave her a hug after she agreed on it

"Wow monkey, you did perfect!" Carolyn smiled

"But now it's movie time" Christopher said so Meredith could rest a little more after the small race that obviously tired her out as she had fallen asleep halfway the movie

We hope you enjoyed! Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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