Chapter 42

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"Damnit, Callie. Give her morphine." Mark raised his voice

"We will, once we check her vitals." Callie reminded him. Mark was a doctor, he knew what had to be done but seeing his sister like that made him forget

"I paged mom, dad and Addie." Derek told his sister who was currently crying in pain on the stretcher

"Callie, give her those damn meds!" Mark raised his voice

"Mer-" Christopher ran inside. "Oh honey, shh." He stroked her hair. "What happened?" He asked his sons

"She fell. Her hip we think-" Mark told his dad, his eyes not leaving Meredith


Callie had brought Meredith to the OR, her screws from her surgery years ago had broken off. So they had to fix that

Meredith was back in a hospital room, her dad had arranged a big room, somewhere where she would feel safe and always be surrounded by her family

"She was very strong during the surgery. I assume she'll wake up in a bit, page me if she needs more meds." Callie said and walked out after checking on Meredith

"I feel like I missed so much.." Derek suddenly spoke up as everyone was sitting in Meredith's room

"Oh son.." Christopher sighed, holding onto Meredith's hand. "Meredith didn't want you to worry."

"She's still my sister.." Derek looked at Meredith

"Der, overall she was okay. Just her body.." He started and shook his head.

"It helps a lot to share a house with her." Addison spoke up, holding onto her husband's hands. "Usually someone is home and can help her out if needed."

"Hmm.." They heard Meredith stirr after a little while

"Mer, honey? Are you waking up?" Carolyn immediately turned to face her daughter

"Aww." Meredith whimpered as she tried to shift in the bed

"Shh, stay still. You're in the hospital, baby girl." Carolyn brushed her fingers through Meredith's hair

Meredith slowly opened her eyes and saw everyone sitting in the room. She was glad everyone was here but couldn't ignore the sad feeling inside her that she was one again responsible for them having to sit here in a hospital room with her

"You fell, Mer. The screws and rods in your hip broke off so Callie replaced them for you." Christopher explained. "But you also dislocated your knee, nothing too bad but you will need a knee brace for a while."

"But just new screws? No new fractures?" Meredith asked

"Yes honey. You can start getting up soon, but just take it easy." He kept holding onto her small hand while his wife started to administer a round of tube feeding as it had been a while because of the surgery. "Your EDS is responsible for the dislocation."

"As always." Meredith sighed deeply


"Okay Meredith, we're gonna help you sit up." Callie said after checking Meredith out

"Dad-" Meredith whimpered, scared to get up

"I know, you'll be okay." Christopher tried to assure her. All the others were currently working, except for Carolyn. She was going home to do some of Meredith's laundry

"Hey guys." Mark walked in

"Ah right on time, Mark! You can help." Callie smiled at him

"I have to sit up.." Meredith groaned, clearly not in the mood

"Of course I'll help, everything to annoy my little sister." Mark joked and walked over in his scrubs

Both men helped Meredith sit up, while she slightly winced in pain

"Thought sitting was your specialty?" Mark joked

"Oh hush you." Meredith chuckled but wincing again as she was now sitting up

"Okay Meredith, I'll put on your afo braces and then we'll let you stand up." Callie said and strapped them on

"Okay Mer, try to stand up." Her dad said, both men keeping her steady while Callie made sure she wouldn't hurt her knee or hip

"It hurts-" Meredith whimpered

"Where does it hurt?" Callie asked, wanting to know if it was because of the surgery or her other health issues

"Everything." Meredith said, her hands trembling.

"Callie, I think she needs to sit down again." Mark said, immediately knowing his sister wasn't doing great

"Okay, easy but don't hurry." Callie said and guided Meredith's legs

"Stop-" Meredith started to tear up, every movement was hurting a little more

Mark knew what was going on and carefully lifted her onto the bed, grabbing a pillow to put underneath her hip and another one for her knee. He kissed her forehead softly and wiped away the tears that were falling

"Mark, you can't just lift her." Callie said sternly

"I know what my sister needs. And she needed to lay down." He sternly said and turned his back at Callie, Christopher leading the doctor out of the room to explain as both men knew her pain disease was flaring up once again

"Can I stroke your hair?" Mark asked his sister but she shook her head, everything was hurting

"Sorry.." Meredith whispered, closing her eyes shut as she squeezed the pump to administer more meds

"Don't be. Sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Mark promised her

"You got work..." Meredith argued, her eyes falling shut from the meds

"I don't. I'll take the rest of the day off. I'll ask Amy and Addie to stop by." Mark said, knowing they were close

Meredith weakly smiled, loving to have her family with her. "Thank you, Markie.." She whispered and drifted off to sleep

"I love you." Mark kissed her forehead and tucked her in, seeing Callie and his dad talking outside the room, Christopher often looking through the window to check on his daughter


Hours had passed and Addison and Mark were sitting in Meredith's room. They were cuddled up in each other's embrace, waiting for Meredith to wake up

"I can't imagine how devastating it must be for her to be back at the hospital. She hates it.." Addison spoke up

"I know.." Mark sighed, hugging his girlfriend close

"I think she's waking up." Addison said, noticing Meredith's hand was moving. They both got up

"Mer, hi." Mark smiled, brushing his hand over his sister's hair

"Hi.." Meredith whispered and opened her eyes. "Addie, hi." She smiled

"Hi Mer, Amy promised to stop by once she finished her shift." Addison said. "Can I braid your hair again? I don't want it to start tangling."

"Thanks Addie." Meredith nodding weakly, but used to this routine after hundreds of hospital stays

"It will be okay. You'll be home soon." Mark squeezed her hand softly

"Yeah.." Meredith sighed deeply

We hope you enjoyed! I'll try to have an update for Chasing Cars within the next few days or so. I was at Disney World and I just got back so I'm tired but I will do my best to write a chapter for that soon! Special thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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