Chapter 13

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Amelia is sound asleep in her bed clutching her new teddy bear. Meredith wriggles around in her bed, her nails cutting up her skin.

After a few more minutes Meredith wakes up.

"Oww." Meredith cries out. Meredith is in pain due to her nails digging into her arms. Because of her EDS, her skin is very thin so it was easy for her nails to cut her skin.

Meredith starts to cry out more in pain. "Mommy!" She sobs. "Mommy! I need you!" Meredith notices blood on her arms from her cuts and is scared of why that's there. "Mommy!!!" She shrieks, still sobbing.

Amelia opens her eyes and rubs them sleepily after hearing Meredith calling out for her mom. "Mer? What's wrong?"

"I need my mommy!" Meredith tries to get out of bed but falls to the floor because she doesn't have her crutches. "Mommyyyyy!"

Carolyn comes rushing into the room and turns on the lights. She sees Amelia sitting up in bed holding onto her teddy bear looking concerned and sees Meredith on the floor with her arms all bloody.

"Amy, everything's okay baby, go back to sleep." Carolyn whispers to Amelia, who nods and falls back asleep.

"Carolyn, I want my mommy! I hurt!" Meredith wails.

"Shh baby, I'm here. Shhhh. You're okay." Carolyn gently picks her up and places her back onto her bed. "Baby, what happened to your arms?" Carolyn gently asked her.

"I don't know!" Meredith cries. "They hurt! And they're bleeding! I'm scared!"

Carolyn gently picks up Meredith's arms and looks them over. "Did this just happen sweetie?"

Meredith shrugs. She starts scratching an itchy spot on her arm and it starts to bleed.

Seeing this, Carolyn realizes all of the cuts on Meredith's arms are from her scratching at her skin during the night. Meredith's skin is so fragile, it doesn't take much to break the skin.

"Oh sweetie." Carolyn pulls Meredith's hand away from scratching at her arm. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up in the bathroom. I'm going to grab you a long sleeved shirt to wear for the rest of the night okay?" Carolyn grabs a long sleeve shirt and picks up Meredith and heads to the bathroom.

Meredith rests her head on Carolyn's shoulder. "I'm sleepy."

"I know. I'm going to clean you up quickly and then you can go back to sleep."

Carolyn gently cleans up Meredith's skin and puts antibiotics on all of the cuts. She puts Hello Kitty bandages on each of the cuts.

"Hello Kitty!" Meredith says sleepily. "I love Hello Kitty!"

"I know you do! You and Amelia both love her! I grabbed your Hello Kitty long sleeve pajama top for you to wear also. Let's get you in it and then you can go back to sleep."

Meredith sleepily nods. Carolyn quickly changes her shirt and then picks her up and carries her back to her bed. She puts her in her bed and tucks her in.

"Okay sweetie, go back to sleep. I'll see you in the morning. I love you." Carolyn says and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

"Love you too"

Carolyn starts to leave the room when all of a sudden Meredith calls out.

"Wait! Where's Puppy and Teddy??" Meredith asks.

"Did they fall out of bed?" Carolyn looks around and quickly finds them on the floor. "Found them!" She puts them in Meredith's arms. "Goodnight Meredith!"

Meredith cuddles with her stuffed animals and mumbles goodnight before instantly falling asleep.


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