Chapter 8

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It's two and a half weeks later and poor Meredith has been put through so much. The poor girl gets 3 rounds of shots each day. Each round of shots requires 4 shots at a time. These shots are also very painful injections that burn when they go into her body. Along with other painful medical procedures also. When Ellis found the medical trial she knew it would be a painful one but that didn't bother her at all. All Ellis cares about is curing her daughter, she doesn't care about the torture Meredith is being put through.

Meredith is laying in her bed, tears streaming down her face clutching her puppy.

Wanna go home. I want Carolyn!

A knock is heard at the door and a nurse walks inside pushing a medical cart. Meredith starts whimpering and crying more.

"Hi Meredith, I've come to take some blood sweetie."

"No!" Meredith yells. "Don't wanna!"

"It won't hurt sweetie, I promise." The nurse sees how terrified the little girl is. She feels so bad for the amount of medical procedures the child is being put through.

"I want my Mommy!" Meredith sobs.

"She's not here sweetie. I'm not sure where she is. I need to take your blood sweetie. I'm really sorry."

Meredith continues sobbing. She is in so much pain from her hips right now. It's all too much for an 8 year old to handle.

The nurse pages another nurse to help her as she knows the girl won't cooperate willingly. Ever since the first shot they have had to have a second nurse in the room to hold her down in order to give her each shot. The little girl just sobs hysterically while it's happening. Every medical procedure they have had to hold her down so she can't move.

Another nurse comes into the room. She goes over to Meredith and puts her hands on her upper body  to hold her down while Meredith struggles to get her off of her. The nurse draws the blood that is needed while Meredith kicks and screams. She manages to kick her blankets off of her.

The nurse finishes and nods at the other nurse signaling that she can let go of Meredith now. Meredith curls up into a ball and cries.

"Wanna go home!" She sobs. The nurses notice a wet puddle growing underneath her. They realize that she is having an accident.

"Aww sweetie. Let's get you cleaned up. Let's get some clean clothes on you." The nurses know the accidents are from her Ehlers Danlos Syndrome but they decide not to tell her mother knowing that she will get mad at the small child after witnessing that previously.

They quickly get Meredith cleaned up and into clean clothes.

"Okay Meredith all better! I will be back in a little while to give you your next round of shots."

"No!" Meredith screams. "No shots!!! It hurts!"

"I'm sorry sweetie. This will hopefully make you better. You want to get better don't you sweetie?" The nurse asks.

Meredith just sobs and ignores the nurse. She clutches her puppy to her.

She sees the nurse leave the room and decides to take action into her own hands.

"Puppy we gotta go." Meredith tells her stuffed animal. She puts her puppy into the top of her hospital gown with its head sticking out and grabs her crutches. She slowly walks to the door with each step being extremely painful on her body. She looks out the door to make sure the coast is clear and when she sees no nurses around she slips out of her room and down the hallway.

She walks down the hall unnoticed by any hospital staff. Unknown to her a lot of the nurses are attending to an emergency with a patient down the hallway.

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