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-'๑'- plot twist

beomgyu might actually have figured who terry was. it wasn't hundred percent certain, but his guts was giving him signs that it might be him.

"honestly i think you should get that tiny brain of yours checked out." yeonjun sincerely told him. "no i'm telling you. i think it might be him." beomgyu explained him eagerly. "i never knew someone could be this dumb." yeonjun signed after his friend shared his story about the notes he'd been getting. "what?" beomgyu looked confused.

"read another of his note to check if you're right." yeonjun suggested. "oh yeah i haven't received any, but you think i might be right? i really wonder who it is."

"okay...yeah i'm going to class. i'm gonna lose brain cells if i keep talking to you." rolling his eyes at what yeonjun said, he muttering to himself before walking to his class. sitting on the chair, beomgyu pulled out his textbook, a paper flew out,"oh!" picking from the ground, he saw something unexpected. this is new.

. . . . .

"come to room 943 before class start."
- terry

. . . . .

mouth dropped open, beomgyu reread the note again a few times. he was finally able to meet this anonymous person. dropping back his textbook, he sprinted to the room mentioned. beomgyu found himself getting excited because he might know who terry was.

getting nearby, he chose to concealed himself behind a wall, cautiously hiding from the person inside the room. at a slow pace, beomgyu peeks out. widening his eyes, it was obvious he was really surprised by the person he saw.

"huening kai?"



main goal was to reveal himself at last. he'd been waiting for today to come, while apart of him was excited, the other part of him was really nervous. grabbing the note, he made his way to class. today, since it was special(at least to him) he thought of putting the note inside beomgyu's desk, instead of his locker for a little surprise.

just for someone to grab his shoulder; it's huening kai. "hyun, apparently the homeroom teacher wants to see you in the office." kai told him. "said it won't take long." taehyun wondered the reason why he was needed. maybe because of his tardiness. regardless, he thanked huening kai.

just as he was about to leave, he gave huening kai a piece of note." could you put this in beomgyu's desk for me?" huening kai gladly accepted the request.

huening kai did what he asked, only for it to backfired him.


"hope you're not disappointed.

"not at all, it's just i never would've thought you'd be terry."

someone outside the room, listen to their conversation. his mind filled with bitterness. fisting his hand, he painfully walked in. "taehyun?" beomgyu surprisingly asked, while huening kai avoided meeting his eyes. "were you in the whole thing as well ?" he laughed. "no i didn't know about this either. what a surprise." his voice full with anger.

"ah! i should probably get to class. i'll see you both there later." beomgyu said his goodbye and left. kai attempted to walk away, but taehyun block the way. "you like him too, don't you?" he scoffed. "what more do i need to say? clearly you know the answer." he grinned, bumping his shoulder as he was about to leave.

but again, taehyun aggressively pulled him by his jacket. he poke his inner cheek with his tongue, "so that's the reason why you purposely lied to me about the teacher needing me in the office." huening kai pushed him off, before tidying himself. "gosh what more do you need to know? you know my intentions."

taehyun was already at his limits. "KAI!" he gripped his collar with one hand while his other in the air, ready to meet kai's face. "go ahead." taehyun scoffed, rather then punching him, he instead shoved him to the ground. "forget it, clearly this friendship never meant anything to you."

leaving, he signed. though new circumstances occurred, taehyun doesn't plan on giving up.

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