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[ @aliciabeach_ on pinterest for chapter's icon]

It was a sunny spring day.
I admired him quietly as he laid on lucid green grass surrounded by tiny flowers that casually filled my nostrills with a sweet scent.

our hands, bodies, perfumes, souls were connected, tangled together in a strong bond.
No matter how far away we stood, we both knew we always brought a part of each other with us.

My head rested on his chest, gently raising and going down with his breaths, but my sight never left his features.
His light brown hair, almost dark blonde I'd say, framed his delicate face perfectly.
His brows laid slightly furrowed, his eyelids were closed, letting long lashes fall above his red tinted cheeks.
Freckles scattered like stars in the night sky decorated them, and his lips naturally formed a serene expression.
As I scanned his face I noticed sapphire eyes staring back at me.

He softly hummed, slightly bringing his head to the side and finding my eyes, quietly asking for the reason I was so hypnotized by his presence.

Almost afraid of breaking the air with my words I slightly lifted myself from his chest just to hide in the crook of his neck, gently clasping his clothes with my hand, the other twirling his wavy locks. I felt a warm embrace protectively covering me as my hair was being gently stroked.

It was like that for us,
quiet, no words needed.
And I adored every single moment of it,
Trying to refrain my lips from kissing every single inch of undressed skin on that boy's body, almost as a way to protect him from any harm that the exposure could cause.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.
birds chirping composed a lullaby, and our breathing started syncing.

he called, but i gave him no response.
this time he was a bit louder.
I kept my eyes shut, hoping i looked like i was actually asleep, using all my strength not to bust in laughter right there.
He softly caressed my knuckles, moving his fingers back and forth.
The feeling made my whole body tingle, making me instantly fail in my intent.
I smiled like an idiot, internally cursing myself for letting him fool me like that.
I heard him smile through his words as his fingers lifted to find rest on my hair, occasionally caressing it.
"I know you can hear me silly. I need to go."
My smile turned into a frown.
"Can we wait a while? I wanna hear you sing."
His hands stopped and i lifted my head from his neck, meeting his gaze. I then pouted, earning a chuckle from him.
"Okay fine, only a few minutes though."
My hand instinctively found his, squeezing it as a thank you.
I let myself fall back onto his chest to feel his voice ring better.

After a few seconds he proceeded to sing a melody, half hummed half pronounced, letting honey drip from his mouth to my ears.
It was perfect, each breath he took enhanced the love and work put behind those notes. It felt like summer breeze refreshing the warm weather, or the sound of the sea hitting the shore, or rain pounding on the ground after a hot day.
It felt delicate and powerful at the same time.

I waited for some moments to pass after he finished, letting the tune sink in. I then carefully spoke, trying not to wake the quiet atmosphere.
"This one is new."
I felt a hand run up and down my back, drawing circles in the act.
"I made it a few days ago. I'm still working on it. Is it okay?"
I lifted my head up, sitting down on my knees as i gently brought a hand under his chin to lift it up.
I made sure his eyes met mine.
"Karl. It took my breath away."
His cheeks turned pink and his gaze slipped away, now locked on the ground.
I ran my thumb over his knuckles, and he took a small breath almost to say something, but trapped his own words in his mouth before they could escape.
"I should go...my grandma is waiting for me in the shop."
He looked up, scanning my face briefly.
"Same time tomorrow?"
He smiled sweetly.
I returned the smile and squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"Of course."
We both got up, and after making sure nothing was left behind he almost let his hand fall from mine, but I tightened my grip on it lightly and looked at his direction.
"May I accompany you till your destination?" I said with a big playful smile.
"Please do, my knight" He chuckled as i felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

we didn't talk much during the walk, hypnotized by the beauty surrounding us.
We went down the hill we were resting on and followed a path embraced by trees with blossoming foliages, pinks and greens and whites hovering above our heads.
We breifly walked along a lake that reflected the clear sunset above us, to then finally meet the vivid and cheerful town, free of any worries and timeless in its beauty.
We reached the flower shop and i stopped on the porch.
My hand left his, and i signed him to go, waving goodbye as he opened the door and looked back at me.
I saw his figure vanish behind the door that gently closed.
voices came from inside the structure.
"Karl, honey!"
"Hi gran gran!"
I sighed happy and very sleepy as I turned around, ready to head back home.
I couldn't wait to tell him.


948 words.

I was scrolling through my drafted stories and found the plot for this fanfic i wrote like a year ago.

I hope you enjoy. This wont have sex scenes (max is gonna be me hinting someone having sex or lime smut or some shit like that, because describing sex cringes me so much lmao...)

If it has any triggers I'll write it at the start of the chapter :)

Anyways this story will not be historically accurate!!! I think if you had to place it it would be late 30's tho
P.s. I have no idea how writers get to like 2k words per chapter lmaooaoaoak pls tell me your secret :<

Edit: I promise you it get better and less cringy each chapter, trust the process lmao!!

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