°Opening Scene°

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"Yes mom I'll be fine on my own for 2 more hours I'm not a little kid anymore." I let out an exhausting sigh. Talking to my mom through the phone who's still at work doing her late shift while I sat home alone in the kitchen fiddling with a large kitchen knife out of boredom while talking with my mom.

"Ok well baby I lo-" The call randomly hanged up.
"Hello?Mom?" I said into the phone. I looked at my phone observing what happened and saw my WiFi had cut off.

"Fucking WiFi!" I groaned rolling my eyes.

In order to fix the WiFi I would have to go all the way downstairs into the basement to fix it which obviously I didn't want to do considering its night time but hey, A bitch NEEDS her WiFi.


I opened the basement door slowly already feeling heavily paranoid. I tried to turn on the light switch but of all times it didn't come on. "Oh fuck me.." I sarcastically mumbled under my breath. Just my luck.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and slowly walked down the stairs. Feeling the mini hairs on neck stand up, goosebumps slowly evolving, and my imagination starting to already get the best of me. Thinking someone or something was gonna jump out.

I was so into my overthinking I didn't even realize I already made it down stairs until a couple of seconds later.

I speedwalked to the corner of the basement where the WiFi box was immediately trying to hurry up so I could get out the basement.

My phone started suddenly ringing. Making me jump and yelp.
I looked at my phone and saw not only was my WiFi magically working again but it was Kyujin calling me.

I picked up the phone.


"Heyyyyy!" She said on the other line
I slightly laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Whatcha doingggg!" She said in a sing-songy innocent fake tone.
"Well...I'm in the basement right about to go fix the WIFI on my phone but now that it started working again I'm gonna head back upstairs and watch a movie while waiting for my mom."

"Damn she's working a late shift again?"

"Yep as always. I'm used to it now." I started slowly making my way to the stairs while still on the phone with Kyujin.

"What movie are you going to be watching?" Kyujin asked.

"That horror movie scream."

"Omg! I love that movie so much! It is such a classic!" Kyujin cheered. "I know" I giggled.

"Well I'm gonna go ahead and hang up. I'll call you after my mom gets home okay? Love you Kyujin!"

An eerie of silence was heard on the other line all of a sudden.



Still nothing.

"Um..ok...whatever bye Kyujin-"
"Let's play a game." She suddenly interrupted

"Um what game?" I chuckled in confusion. Now walking up the first two steps of the stairs.

"The game is called...Will you be able to make it throughout the house and survive or will I catch you in the dark and gut you up while mommy dearest is away." The voice changed to this sweet comforting voice to this chilling eerie dark raspy voice. I looked up the stairs and saw a person in a shadowy figure costume with a ghost face mask on standing creepily in the doorway before slamming the basement door.
Me now completely in the dark.

The voice lowly laughed.

"Kyujin what the fuck!?" I started running up the stairs trying to leave the basement but the door was suddenly locked.

"What's your favorite scary movie Y/n?"

"Kyujin this isn't fucking funny! You creep!!"
"That's not what I asked Y/n...and I'm not fucking Kyujin." The voice then laughed again before hanging up. I waited in silence for a few wondering how to escape before I felt someone grab me from my behind. Immediately stabbing me in my lower back.
What the fuck but I could've sworn I just saw one at the top of the stairs.

The killer pulled the knife out of me and turned me around before throwing me down the stairs. My body aching immediately as i hit the ground.
I started screaming in pain and for help feeling like I couldn't breath and was lost because I couldn't see clearly in the dark.

"Somebody please help!" I screamed in desperation.
The killer took its time walking back downstairs towards me before turning me onto my back, lowering down and straddling me until they struck the side of my stomach making me scream louder than before.

In fight defense, I swiftly punched the person in the face. Real hard making them fall off of me.

I turned back onto my stomach. Pulling myself up and trying to go up the stairs. Both of my hands were bloody with me trying to put pressure on both injuries so everything I touched felt more slippery. I made it to the top of the stairs tripping over my feet slightly and opened it. Feeling thankful the door wasn't locked anymore.

I tried my best to run to the house phone. Once I reached the phone I dialed 911 and hid behind the kitchen counters trying my best to whisper to not alert the killer.
But the feeling of my numbness and pain with whimpers mixed in one I made it real hard for me to stay quiet

I looked at the wound on my side stomach and noticed the blood getting bigger and bigger making me scared even more.

"911 what is your emergency?" The operator spoke.
"I-I...ne-ee-d h-h..help." I stuttered.

"What's the problem ma'am?"
"Intruders..in house and-and I've ...I'm -s-stabbed."

"Ok can you tell me your address?"
"My address i-is-"

I got cut off from my words by being pulled up, feeling a strong yank on my hair and being dragged across the kitchen counter that I was hiding behind from.
I flailed my hands around frantically screaming and pleading to no longer be hurt anymore.

The figure weirdly titled their head at me and stayed that way for a moment. Observing me pleading hard in desperation for my life. The killer raised its left feet and stomped on my ankle.
My ankle creating a loud sickening crunch as I let out an excruciating scream. The bone starting to peek from my flesh.

I gasped hard feeling tears run down my face more as they plunged the knife quickly into the middle of my stomach.
My eyes wide as so was my mouth as I kept gasping hard feeling the taste of blood slowly coming up to the back of my throat.

My eyes dropped low. Feeling myself lose consciousness, feeling myself starting to let go of the life I was given.

In my blurry vision another figure dressed in the same costume suddenly walked up. Two of them?

As I thought it was over and thought they were gonna let me die slowly nope. They took turns stabbing me each.
Stabbing me 29 times total.

Blood pooling all around me.
I gasped in a raspy tone. Ready to take my least breath and close my eyes. Before that the killers took off the mask revealing their identities. I was shocked.

I couldn't believe the two people that I considered my friends would randomly betray me like this.

The one on my left finished me off by slitting my throat.
So hard I felt like I was decapitated and my neck bone showed.

So hard I felt like I was decapitated and my neck bone showed

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