
808 42 249

(Song: G-idle - Tomboy)

At the party

Everyone at the party was pretty much fucked up or entering into that dazed state.
Chaeryeong was high off of weed, Sullyoon was a bit high but she was still sober and aware of everything, Jiwoo was drunk singing her heart out to G-idle, and Lily and Lia were both a bit buzzed from the liquor.
Lily and Lia were sitting on top of the stairs, observing the massive crowds of people dancing and talking.

"Damn Yeji's still in the bathroom?" Lily rolled her eyes.
"She's probably taking a shit." Lia replied with no care in her voice, taking a sip out of her bottle.

Lily gave her a 'wtf' look.
"What?" Lia looked back at her with a clueless look.
"Everybody shits. It's normal."

Before Lily could have the chance to respond back a random girl had yelled "Omg Ryujin is here!"

Everybody in the party went berserk. Cheering and yelling, welcoming her to the party.
"What the fuck!? Ryujin!?" Lia and Lily said in unison. The pair rushed downstairs to the front door being met with Ryujin with a shy smile but embarrassed look on her face.

"Ryujin..." Lia and Lily looked at her speechless, trying to figure out how she could be here at this moment.
"Are y'all not gonna hug me?" She awkwardly smiled.

The pair slowly walked up to her, still in shock and gave her a loose hug. "How are you here right now!?" Lily asked.

"Well my mom wanted my dad to drive me back here so I could pick some more stuff up and spend one last day here with her and I checked Lily's Instagram and saw she was throwing a party-"
"Not just any party! A memorial party for Bae." Lily swiftly interrupted with a stern smile.

"Please you're only saying that so if the cops come they won't shut this bitch down." Lia playfully rolled her eyes.
"But on the other hand....I'm glad you decided to come and have one last fun with us..here drink up." Lia smiled and gave Ryujin her beer, letting her drink the rest.

"Thanks Lia." Ryujin laughed, taking a couple sips of the bottle.
"So where's the others?" Ryujin asked.

As Lily was about to answer a high Chaeryeong walked up to her, stumbling over her feet. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiii." Chaeryeong giggled.
Her eyes being watery and a bit pinkish mixed with red as she reeked the smell of weed.

"Chaeryeong.. You've been smoking again?" Ryujin look concerned at the individual.
All Chaeryeong did was laugh and smile nodding her head.
Sullyoon had then pushed through the crowd looking for Chaeryeong but an expression of shock waved across her face as she saw Ryujin.


"Hey Sully.." Ryujin waved shyly.
"What are you acting shy with me for? Come here!" Sullyoon pulled Ryujin into a tight hug.

"Sooo where's Jiwoo and Yeji?" Ryujin asked.

Lia laughed. "Yeji's probably taking a shit and Jiwoo is dancing on top of that table." She started to laugh harder.
Lily looked over and saw Jiwoo dancing on top of a mini table, being recorded by a couple of people.

"Seriously Jiwoo!? My mom paid $350 for that table. Get off!"
Lily marched over to Jiwoo as the rest laughed.

Chaeryeong suddenly gasped hard making Ryujin, Lia, and Sullyoon stop in their tracks. Being concerned over what has made Chaeryeong startled.

"Oh. My. God. I think I just saw JYP playing piano with his feet." Chaeryeong looked around to the trio with a horrified look on her face.

Sullyoon rolled her eyes "Ok. I'm gonna sit you down on a couch and bring you some water and I'll see you two later."
Sullyoon grabbed Chaeryeong by the arm and had walked off.

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