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"Kyujin! Aaaaaaa!" Lily screamed. Kyujin quickly clasped her hand over Lily's mouth.
"This is what happens.... When you're not aware."

Kyujin pulled away from Lily and started laughing her ass off.
"Lily it was a prank I swear!!!" She laughed.

"You fucking psychotic bitch what the hell!?" Lily stared at her in confusion and fear.

"This little act I just put on you was to show you to always be aware, never go anywhere by yourself, and trust no one! Like the character  Randy said from scream, Everybody is a suspect!"
Kyujin explained.

Lily stared to her in silence.
"Everyday I question why I'm friends with you. That's like the most fucked up prank ever." Lily sighed.

Kyujin still laughed "I'm sorry forgive meeee!" Kyujin pouted her lip with puppy eyes.

"Whatever lets just head back." Lily started walking upstairs before stopping in her tracks and turning back to Kyujin.
"You first."

Lily made space for Kyujin to walk in front of her on the stairs while holding out a beer for her.

A smile appeared on Kyujin's face.
She walked up the stairs and took the beer.
"Good girl." Kyujin teased, playfully landing a slap on Lily's ass before continuing to walk out the basement, Lily following.

In the living room

Lily and Kyujin walked into the living room together and saw only Lia and Ryujin there while everyone else was gone.

"Um where the hell is everyone else?" Lily asked the two.
"Yeji, Sullyoon, Chaeryeong, and Jiwoo wondered off around the house because they got bored watching the movie and the rest of the guests just left so its just us." Ryujin replied.

Ryujin finished up the last bit of liquor in her bottle before settling it down onto the floor "but in the meantime I'm gonna go see if Sullyoon has any weed left."
Ryujin walked off upstairs.

"Ok well I'm gonna go and get my phone from my bedroom. I think I left it there when I had to call my mom." Lily had also went upstairs leaving just Lia and Ryujin in the living room.
Kyujin flopped down onto the couch next to Lia.

"Can we watch something else?" Kyujin asked.
"Um no! The best part is about to come on..Billy and Stu are about to be revealed as the killers." Lia stuffed her mouth with popcorn.

"Ugh!" Kyujin rolled her eyes.
" I wish Ryujin was here right now."

"Why?" Lia asked.
"Because....you know..." Kyujin purposely trailed off her words.
"Don't do it you're going to die." Lia said.
"Lia what!?"

Lia shifted her eyes to Kyujin
"Its true sex equals death."

Kyujin rolled her eyes once more.
"That's not always the case Lia!"
"Sureee." Lia sarcastically teased.

Kyujin suddenly got a text message from her phone.
'Meet me upstairs' The text read, it was from Ryujin.
Kyujin smiled before showing the text to Lia.
"you see!" Kyujin smiled.
"I'll see you later. I'll be back."

Kyujin got up from the couch and went upstairs.

Lia scoffed at the fact she was now alone.
"Damn. I should've cock blocked."


Kyujin walked down the hallway receiving text messages back and forth from Ryujin.
'I'm in the bathroom waiting.'

'Why the bathroom? Mmm...maybe she prefers bathroom sex more' Kyujin thought to herself.

Kyujin went up to the bathroom and opened the door and walked in. But saw no sight of Ryujin.

Disappointment showed all over Kyujin's face.
But her attention went to something else as the bathroom door slammed close, revealing the killer instead.

Kyujin didn't have time to react or scream as the killer swiftly plunged the knife into the middle of her chest. Penetrating the knife deeper and deeper into her chest as blood gushed. Blood gushing all over Kyujin's chest and some on her neck it look like she had a large dark red scarf on.

Kyujin fell to her knees as the killer knelt down with her still holding the knife in her before finally releasing the knife. Letting Kyujin bleed out more.

Kyujin choked on her knife trying to form words but couldn't as nothing but blood filled up her throat.
Footsteps were then heard with sounds of giggles.
It was Sullyoon and Ryujin.

"Do you'll think she'll accept my confession?" Ryujin asked Sullyoon.
"Of course! I'm sure Kyujin feels the exact same way." Sullyoon encouraged. Ryujin squealed a bit of excitement.
"Ok cool! I'm gonna ask her out right now! She should be downstairs." Ryujin said before both Sullyoon and her rushed downstairs. In hopes of seeing Kyujin, but harsh reality Kyujin sat cold on the bathroom floor as the killer hovered over watching her fade away.

"Ryu..." Kyujin croaked. Whispering a bit.
She started blinking slower, her movements became slower, as so did her heart and breath.

Kyujin had then died. Laying still in a large pool of blood on the bathroom floor. Feeling guilt as she ignored the 3 major rules in horror shit like this because she was blinded and busy about  Ryujin.

1.Never have sex.
2.Never wander off alone.
3. Never say "I'll be back."

Lmao y'all thought Kyujin would be the killer.

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