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The Final Chapter of Guilty.

Jiwoo huffed and puffed trying to catch her breath.
She let the baseball bat hit the floor and walked up to Chaeryeong and Ryujin.

Ryujin and Chaeryeong looked at the young individual in shock, being taken back by Jiwoo's actions.
"That was so....so...badass." Ryujin breathlessly said.

"You can thank me later after we're officially safe."
Jiwoo walked over to Chaeryeong and started to loosen up the ties. As Jiwoo were loosening the knots on the rope Lia had walked in through the front door with a gun in her hand. Stopping in her tracks as she saw a now untied Jiwoo freeing Chaeryeong, Ryujin standing over keeping cover, and a now dead Sullyoon.

Lia let out a deep exhale. Expression of anger written all over her face. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Lia aimed the gun and shot fire but Ryujin took charge and tackled Lia making the gun go up and the bullet thankfully hitting the ceiling instead.
Ryujin and Lia fell to the ground causing the gun to fly out her hand and into Chaeryeong's direction.

Due to the alarming shots, Yeji ran downstairs
"What the fuck !?" She shouted. She started to run up towards Ryujin as she saw Ryujin on top of Lia but Jiwoo interfered and elbowed her in the face.

Ryujin and Lia were fighting.
Jiwoo and Yeji were fighting.
Chaeryeong watched in horror.

"Fucking bitch!!" Yeji yelled.
She grabbed Jiwoo by the shoulders and slammed her into the wall. Jiwoo grunted and yelled hard as she felt the harsh impact of her back hitting the wall. Yeji smirked as she decided to take it up even further. She raised up her right leg and pushed her knee into Jiwoo's stomach wound, catching Jiwoo off guard as her eyes widened with a high shriek. Yeji pulled out her knife and stabbed her in the shoulder. Stabbing the blade in and out quickly out of her shoulder. Making the stab quick but painful.

"Arghh!" Jiwoo yelled. Adrenaline pumped through her as she gathered up strength to shove Yeji away from her.
But that angered Yeji.
Yeji raised up the knife once more and had determination to stab Jiwoo in a way more fatal area. Jiwoo gasped in shock before ducking just in time as Yeji landed the knife onto the wall behind her.

Jiwoo grabbed Yeji's leg and purposely tripped Yeji onto her butt. Jiwoo came up with a plan.
Once Yeji landed the floor, Jiwoo jogged with a little bit of a limp upstairs going up to Lily's bedroom.

Yeji grunted in frustration. Getting back up onto her feet and grabbing her knife before running up after Jiwoo.
Meanwhile, yells and screams from Lia and Ryujin were still being heard in the background.


Jiwoo smeared blood all over the hallways as she limped down the hallway. The blood all over her hands were from her wounds.

After what felt like eternity to Jiwoo, she made it to Lily's bedroom and went inside. Patiently waiting for Yeji to come as she purposely smeared her blood on the walls knowing that it would lead Yeji to her.

It didn't take long for Yeji to make it upstairs to the hallway and see Jiwoo's blood all over the walls. She followed the blood all the way up to Lily's bedroom. Yeji raised her knife in preparation and slowly opened the bedroom door.
She immediately got literal chills as she entered the room.
The window was wide open.
Yeji tilted her head in confusion but got startled as she heard the bedroom door close shut.
She turned around and saw Jiwoo standing there looking like a madwoman. Jiwoo was hiding behind the door the whole entire time. Planning to trap her.

Jiwoo ran up to Yeji and grabbed a hold of both her wrist so she wouldn't get stabbed anymore, but each movement she made she winced in pain due to her shoulder.
Jiwoo pushed her all the way towards the direction of the window and started choking her. Yeji tried to retaliate by pushing the knife into her neck but Jiwoo's reflex acted faster.
Grabbing Yeji's wrist harder and breaking it.

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