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The next day

The girls decided to meet up at a mini cafe around the street.
To talk and try to comfort each other about the brutal murders.
Everyone was completely shaken up.

"It was so fucking scary...." Yeji cried hard into Haewon's arms.
"Us being in that police station being questioned for hours...just exhausting." She cried

The friend group had 13 girls. But now it was 10
Y/n, Yuna, and Jinni dead.
Everything felt odd.

Nobody else knew what to say. The girls just gave each other awkward and sad stares or comforting gestures towards each other.

"Um...the v-vigil is tonight..at first it was for Wonyoung but now its for Wonyoung, Yuna, Jinni, and Kai." Jiwoo spoke out.
"Is anyone else coming? I am." Jiwoo asked, looking around at everyone.

"Yea... I guess it wouldn't hurt." Chaeryeong glanced sadly at the floor.

"Yea, I'll be coming." Bae said.
"Me too." Sullyoon chimed in the conversation.

"Anybody else?" Sullyoon asked.

Lia started to sob hard. Jiwoo tried to reach for her to hug her but Lia rejected her advances. Immediately standing up from her seat and getting ready to walk out and leave.

"Lia!? Where are you going!?" Bae shouted.

"Away from here! I can't do this shit. Our friends are getting slaughtered one by one and there's not a damn thing we can really do about it except hope we're not next. I hate it!!" The poor individual cried as she sobbed harder.

Yeji got up and walked to her. "Lia calm down please.."
"Don't tell me to fucking calm down." Lia glared.
"I can't calm down!!! It's just too much! Our friends are dead, the killer is mainly targeting us for some weird fucking reason, and Kyujin is still being interrogated by police!! I hate y'all." Lia screamed.
Everyone gasped at her harsh comment.

"Lia....you don't mean that." Lily teared up as her voice cracked. "It's not our fault." she spoke again.

Lia was about to say something else but paused before turning around and storming out the cafe. Yeji followed.

"I think its best if we all just leave and contact each other more when we're home." Sullyoon said.
The group nodded in silence agreeing with her statement.

"I hope to see you guys at the vigil and memorial ceremony tonight." Bae said.

At Sunny High, 7:00 p.m.

"We want to say thank you for everyone coming out tonight to help celebrate and remember the life of Shin Yuna, Jang Wonyoung, , Huening Kai, and Choi Yu-jin, or as friends and family called her, Jinni. All four of them were young people that had so much ahead of themselves in life but sadly it got taken away too soon. As a police officer for SunnyDale for exactly 13 years never in my life have I experienced so much chaos and heinous crimes ever happen in this town until now. We are still trying to catch this psycho who did this and trust me once we do there will be absolute hell for them but until now please be considerate and respectful of the victims families and help us mourn these victims and keep great memory of them alive. As you know, even if they are no longer here with us physically they are here with us spiritually and will be kept in our minds, hearts, prayers, and thoughts."
Officer Kim spoke.

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