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(Song name: Stayc- run2u)

"Hey! Thanks for coming!" Lily greeted random partygoers.

It was the night of Lily's party and almost everyone was here.
Her house flashed red, blue, and purple lights as music blasted hard over the loud speakers. The air filled with weed and even subtle smells of sex. People talking, drinking, dancing, smoking, experimenting with drugs or people upstairs in the bedrooms or even bathrooms fucking.

"Hi beautiful!! You look gorgeous!" Lily greeted Chaeryeong.
"Awww thank you!" Chaeryeong snaked her arms tight around Lily's waist, burying her nose in the crook of Lily's neck, breathing in and getting an intoxicating but addicting smell of Lily's perfume.

"Damn girl you smell good." Chaeryeong smiled, taking in another whiff of her scent.
"It's vanilla warm cinnamon sugar perfume." Lily winked at her.

As time went by Lia, Yeji, and Jiwoo showed up with different brands of beer. The girls all took more than two cans and started really loosening up, being engaged in the party more.

Sullyoon had then arrived.
"I got some weeeeed!" She yelled excitedly as she held up 4 large bags of cannabis each packed in them.
"Oooo perfect! I brought my bong with me! It's in my purse!" Chaeryeong said with glee.

The two walked off to smoke together while the rest just laughed at their antics and continued chugging down their beer to the music.
"Omg...Bae loved Stayc!" Jiwoo looked down at the ground with a sad expression.

"I know! That's why most of my playlist is full of Bae's favorite songs and groups. THIS SHIT IS FOR BAE!" Lily yelled raising a mini glass shot of scotch in the air.

"FOR BAE!" The crowd shouted, raising their drinks up also before taking a sip.

"That beautiful son of a bitch." Lily muttered under breath before drinking the shot.

"Wait.. I just realized something... Where's Haewon and Kyujin?"
Yeji asked.

"Oh yeah! Kyujin is still at the corner store getting hella bottles of booze and vodka and Haewon decided not to show."
Lily explained.

"Damn wonder why." Jiwoo had a puzzled look on her face.
"Yea because she's miss paranoid." Lily snickered, drinking the last bit of alcohol in her beer can.

"well before Kyujin comes I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
Yeji walked through the crowd before disappearing to the back.

Meanwhile at Haewon's house

Haewon sat in her lavender scented bubble bath.
Haewon loves baths as she finds it as a way to relax and get some steam off. Haewon closed her eyes and fiddled with her fingers as she started sinking herself slowly and slowly into the warm water finding it soothing.

As she was in her thoughts her phone started to ring, making her jump out of her relaxing state and becoming startled a bit.
"Jesus." She whispered under breath before picking up her phone that laid on the floor in close area to the tub.

Haewon was so into her thoughts she didn't even look and have close attention to the caller ID. She just answered the call.
"Hello Haewon.." The killer answered.
"Um who is this?"
"What's your favorite scary movie?" The killer asked, ignoring Haewon's previous question.

"I don't watch scary movies." Haewon blatantly replied.
"Fine then lets play a game...will you be able to escape-"
"Ugh I'm bored." Haewon interrupted the killer, hanging up and going back to enjoying her bath.

After an hour later, Haewon finally got out of her bath.
Wrapping herself up in a grey towel before stepping out the bathroom. As Haewon opened the bathroom door she was met with muddy footprints all around the door area making Haewon freeze in fear for a quick second.

"Oh hell no." She whispered.
She went back in the bathroom to grab her phone and ran downstairs, dialing 911.

She went to her kitchen and grabbed a large kitchen knife.
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Something is wrong-"

The call randomly disconnected.

"Hello?Hello?" Haewon questioned into the phone but she couldn't reconnect the call anymore. She dialed 911 again but the call immediately went to sounds of the phone line beeping.

"Fuck it!" Haewon sighed out loud
She went back upstairs and put on her bra and underwear on with a robe on and slides, feeling like she didn't have enough time to fully get dressed and went back stairs.

"I'll just drive to the police station." She mumbled out loud.

Haewon opened the front door but was met with the killer standing on the front porch. Once Haewon saw the killer, the killer charged at her and sliced her stomach. Creating a large open wound cut across her stomach. Blood gushing out her wound as Haewon let out a deep cry as she dropped the knife.

Haewon then pushed against the door to prevent the killer coming in the house but the killer also started pushing against the door trying to get in. Both of them putting their might through the door.
The killer took the advantage of slipping their arm through the creek of the door and swing its knife at Haewon. Trying its hardest to slice Haewon again but she had slammed the door hard against the killer's arm making the Killer retreat with a loud yell.
Haewon had slammed the door completely closed and locked it before limping upstairs into her room. Hiding in her closet.

Haewon hid in her closet. Trembling and breathing hard while crying. The phone in her hand was shaking so much due to her shaky hands. Haewon looked down and noticed the big brutal dash across her stomach, making her whimper.

She covered the large wound with her left hand but too much blood kept coming out. Haewon opened her phone again and tried to call 911 but the line was still disconnected.
Haewon started letting out shaky cries.
Her phone screen being now covered in blood smears as both her hands were bloody and starting to feel slippery.

She then had an idea to text her mom and inform her to call the police.

'Mom please call 911'

Is all she was able to text as not only her wound started making her body feeling weak but because she heard the back door suddenly open. She shook more with fear as she started to silently cry with loud breathing.

She shut her eyes tight, covering her mouth to help silent her whimpers of fear and pain as she heard footsteps slowly come upstairs. One by one each bedroom were heard being opened and walked around or even ransacked in.

The footsteps then were heard walking slowly to Haewon's room.
Causing Haewon's heart to beat a faster and breath go faster making it harder for her to keep quiet as low whimpers kept seeping out her mouth.

The door chillingly opened slow with a loud creaking noise.
Haewon held her breath, being scared to make any movement or move just a small inch.

Footsteps were heard walking around the room until the footsteps started to walk out the room.

Haewon let out the biggest sigh until...

*Ding ding*

Her phone rung out loud. Her mom texted back.
The footsteps stopped for a moment until it was heard retreating back into Haewon's room.

Haewon could no longer hold back her heavy breaths, whimpers, and low cries as she knew what was bound to happen now.

The closet door flung open revealing the killer from earlier.
"Noooooooo!" Haewon cried out loud as the killer roughly dragged her out the closet.

"PLEASEEEEE! " Haewon cried out as the killer sat her up onto her knees.

Haewon's dragged out sobs and pleads filled up the room
Her words cut off as she felt the killer hold the knife up against her neck and slowly drag it across, slitting her throat.
Blood splattered onto the wall as Haewon choked for a few seconds on her blood. Falling face down, now dead.

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