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"But why!?" Ryujin cried.

Sullyoon and Lia took off the dark cloth.
"Surprise Ryu." Sullyoon laughed.

"We trusted you! How could you betray all of us like this!!"
Ryujin sobbed.

All three of them laughed crazily.
"Damn it seems like this bitch wants a backstory." Sullyoon smiled.
Lia smirked real crazy "I'll give this bitch one then."
Lia walked close up to Ryujin. Holding the knife to her neck.

"You wanna know why Ryujin? Well here's the reason why.
It all starts with my parents. My parents were a happy married couple but my dad decided to be a fucking man-whore and cheat on my mom with some fucking tramp from a random bar. He cheated on my mom while she was still pregnant with me! My dad kept endlessly cheating on my mom with the tramp until the tramp got pregnant also and had a girl. Me and her were born around the same time too. I was born 3 weeks before her to be exact. You would think my dad would choose his already wife and newborn baby but nope! he chose the fucking side bitch and the other newborn. Shutting my mom and I out the cold forever. Completely forgetting about us and deciding to raise a new life with them and the worse part is...it tortured my mom so fucking bad. She kept thinking she did something wrong for him to act out like this. She eventually became suicidal over it and killed herself when I was only 7. I had to be adopted and change my name from Choi Jisu to Lia Kim!!!
It wasn't until a few years later in high school, freshman year to be exact when I was 15. I had finally met the other newborn, the bastard baby I prefer to call her. Y/n...that's fucking right! Y/n is the result of that tramp and my sad excuse of a father. She's my half-sister. But of course she didn't recognize me and neither did my father!! But that was perfect... Because that helped set off my plan...I kissed up to Y/n to be her friend and it worked. One night when Y/n invited me over for a sleepover it angered me that my father had no clue that the daughter he shunned out years ago was staring him right at the face. So it wasn't until he and Y/n were asleep while her mom was still out at work, I snuck down the kitchen grabbed a large kitchen knife and snuck into my dad's room and stabbed him to death and the greatest part is the police never suspected me either!!! They just ruled it as an unsolved murder and damn right if her mother was there that night she would've been killed too. But that wasn't enough.....Y/n had to go. That's where Yeji and Sullyoon comes in.
They never liked Y/n either since Y/n actually used to make their life hell before switching up and being friends with them. But for the fun of it, we decided to go after you and the rest of the girls too."

Lia explained. Tears brimming at her eyes but she covered it with a creepy smile to hide the pain.

"Yeji and I killed Y/n while Sullyoon made the phone call. We all know how technology smart she is so it was easy for her to hack Kyujin and try to frame her for it." Lia spoke.

"That's right!" Sullyoon giggled. She pointed the knife at Ryujin's face.

"I killed Wonyoung and stabbed Yuna but Yeji finished the job killing both Kai and Yuna sneaking out of costume as the police came and Sullyoon here killed Jinni. Why do you think me and Yeji purposely stayed behind? Then all three of us killed Bae but Yeji is the one that pushed Bae off the building. Then Yeji lied about using the bathroom and snuck out the party to kill Haewon and then killed Kyujin along with Lily." Lia admitted.

Ryujin cried as she heard the details and backstory.
"Every single one of you are evil. Especially you, Lia."

Lia glared real hard at Ryujin.
"No, I'm actually the victim. I just snapped back in a way more foul way that now makes me the villain because people don't like it when someone becomes a monster even though the bullshit they put that person through is the reason why they're a monster. Ever thought of that Ryu?"

Ryujin lips trembled as she cried more.
"Lia please."

"Please what?" Lia moved her face closer to hers. Shifting her eyes her up and down to her. Biting her bottom lip softly being intrigued by Ryujin's begging.

"Please don't...kill...." Ryujin begged with mercy. Looking at all three of them.

Lia smirked. "Hey Yeji.... go upstairs and drag out Jiwoo, I'm gonna go get Chaeryeong."

Lia then whispered into Sullyoon's ear.
"You keep an eye on our little pet here."

Lia walks off and goes into the basement as Yeji went upstairs.

Moments later Lia brings out a bloodied up but alive Chaeryeong.
Her wrists were tied as she had duct tape over her mouth but you could still hear her loud muffled cries and whimpers.

There were cuts all over Chaeryeong's arms and a stab wound on her collarbone. Lia pushed her onto the floor. Chaeryeong fell next to Ryujin's feet. Chaeryeong shook like a scared deer. Muffled cries and pleads emitting from her mouth. Ryujin was too startled to look at her.

Chaeryeong yelled in horror.
"YOU THINK I'M FUCKING AROUND!?" Lia screamed once more
Lia walked up and stabbed her in her thigh.
Chaeryeong muffled screams went louder before she slightly choked on sobs.

Lia pulled out the knife.
"I'll be right back..I'm gonna head outside to my car to get the other gun. You make sure these bitches don't fucking move."
Lia demanded. Angrily storming out the front door.

"Um we got a problem... Jiwoo isn't in the closet anymore!"
Yeji suddenly yelled from upstairs.

"What!? What the fuck do you mean she's not in the closet anymore." Sullyoon yelled in confusion.

"She was tied up by Lia and put in the closet and she's not here anymore!" Yeji yelled back.

Sullyoon rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Well check every room. I literally stabbed her she couldn't have gone that fucking far!" Sullyoon ordered.

Suddenly Jiwoo snuck from behind and hit Sullyoon in the back of her head with a baseball bat from Lily's room. Sullyoon fell onto her knees with a loud yell. Jiwoo grunted loud of anger, taking another swing. Sullyoon fell unconscious but that wasn't enough for Jiwoo. She started bashing her head in over and over until her skull crushed in, blood splattering all over Jiwoo and some onto Ryujin and Chaeryeong. Sullyoon was now dead.

"That's for me and my friends...bitch." Jiwoo glared at Sullyoon.
She then covered her stomach wound with her left hand, limping a bit as she walked over to help Ryujin and Chaeryeong.

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