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Ryujin was at home with her older sister, Naeun.

Naeun actually lived by herself while Ryujin lived with their mom but since their mom was out running errands she didn't want to leave Ryujin home alone so she asked Naeun to come over to watch her instead.

Naeun was in her old bedroom, sitting on her bed while on her phone expecting her boyfriend Taemin to come over.
Ryujin was in her bedroom, sitting on her bed eating spicy noodles while watching the k-drama show, Tempted.

Once Ryujin was done eating her spicy noodles she paused the T.v.
and got up from her bed. She walked out her bedroom and was heading towards the kitchen. As she was walking down the hallway she had suddenly heard quite commotion a bit from her sister's room.

'Ew Taemin probably is in there and doing stuff to her.' She said in her head, cringing in disgust.

She continued walking down the long hallway before making a right turn and going downstairs.
She went in the kitchen and put the empty bowl with red sauce residue that was still in the bowl in the kitchen sink.
Ryujin was about to walk out the kitchen and head back upstairs to her room until the house phone started to ring.

Strange. People never really call the house phone.

Ryujin walked up to the house phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter and answered the call.
"Hi is Shin Heun there?" A woman had answered.

"Uh no...she's out running errands right now but I'm her daughter... can I take a message?"

"Oh please do! I'm co-workers with your mother and we have a deadline this upcoming Friday and I just wanted to know if she made any progress on the work that we are doing, that's all!"
The woman said.

"Oh sure! I'll tell her when she gets back home."
"Wonderful! Thank you so much!...oh yeah and one more thing..tell your sister to close her bedroom window."

Ryujin froze "Excuse me!?"

"Tell your sister to close her bedroom window or the killer might come in and butch her up.....Ryujin." The voice went from a woman's voice to the killer's raspy voice.

Ryujin quickly hung up the call.

"No! Naeun!" Ryujin yelled in panic.
Ryujin grabbed a large kitchen knife and sprinted up the stairs to her room to get her phone, dialing 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"
"I just got a harming threat towards me and my sister and I need police to come now!"
"What was the threat ma'am?"
"Fuck what the threat was specifically send police here now! My address is 1234 Avenue!"

Ryujin ran out her bedroom and down the hallway to Naeun's room. "Naeun?!"

She opened the bedroom door and saw nothing but a horror scene.
Blood all over the white walls while her sister stayed still, laying face down showing stab wounds all over her back as the bedroom window was indeed open.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ryujin endlessly screamed.
"MY SISTER IS DEAD!!!!" She yelled into the phone to the operator.

Ryujin turned around only to be quickly tackled by the killer.
Ryujin harshly fell onto her back while ghost face gained composure and raised its knife but Ryujin quickly grabbed their wrists. Putting all her strength to prevent from being stabbed as the killer did the same, putting more strength so she could get stabbed.

The killer started overpowering her with its strength but at the last minute Ryujin slightly moved her head causing the knife to land beside her head on the floor.
Ryujin took it as a chance to punch the killer and head bump them. Ryujin grabbed ghost face by both shoulders and swiftly pulled ghost face off of her.

She got up and ran out the room but the Killer quickly followed.
As Ryujin ran down the stairs the killer jumped onto her making both of them tumble down the stairs.

They landed with hard impact. Especially Ryujin.

Ryujin started crawling a bit on the floor before noticing the knife next to her. It must've flew out the killer's hand when they tumbled down the stairs.

Ryujin reached for it but felt the killer's foot step on her back preventing her from moving.

The killer turned Ryujin onto her back as they grabbed the knife from the floor.
Ryujin cried and screamed, fearing for what was about to come.

The killer took its sweet time holding the knife up before plunging the knife downward towards her but with the adrenaline that was still pumping through her Ryujin kicked the killer in the crotch area causing the killer to grunt out loud.

Ryujin kicked the killer again in the crotch area before getting up and heading towards the kitchen.

The killer followed but ran a bit with a limp.
Ryujin was on the right side of the kitchen table while the killer on the left. The killer started swinging its knife left and right like a maniac trying in desperation for the knife to slash against Ryujin but she kept dodging and ducking.

Ryujin looked behind her in hopes of finding a weapon.
She had then spotted the large pot of boiled water still on the stove when she was cooking noodles earlier.

It wasn't completely boiled like before but it was still hot.
In a quick flash, Ryujin threw the water onto the killer causing the killer to start yelling but Ryujin silenced the yells as she struck the killer in the head with the pot, causing the killer to pass out.

Ryujin made a run for it towards the door and ran outside all the way to the neighbor's house. Once she reached the destination of the neighbor's she started banging on the door like a crazed person screaming for help.

The neighbor then opened the door in anger but concern, Mrs.Jiu.

"Mrs.Jiu!!you HAVE to let me inside please!!! The killer tried to kill me!! and N-N-aeun is DEAD!" She sobbed.

Mrs.Jiu quickly let her inside the house as the pair waited for the police to come.

Just a quick chapter! But yes I thought why not write a chapter where one of the characters escape the killer.

Hope y'all enjoy!❤


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