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Jiwoo, Ryujin, Lia, Sullyoon, and Chaeryeong all started to run out the kitchen as Yeji opened fire. Shooting left and right but thankfully didn't hit anyone.

As the group ran out the kitchen, Yeji ran after them still shooting. It caused the girls to panic and disperse into different directions.
Ryujin and Jiwoo ran upstairs.
Chaeryeong ran to the basement.
Lia to the left direction of the house.
Sullyoon to the right direction of the house.


"Oh my god! Yeji is fucking crazy!" Jiwoo cried with panic as her and Ryujin ran down the hallway.
They decided to run into Lily's bedroom.
Unfortunately her bedroom door didn't have a lock but due to Ryujin's quick thinking they started blocking the door by moving Lily's drawers against the door so it would be difficult for Yeji to get in.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ryujin and Jiwoo heard a loud scream erupt from downstairs, leading both of them to froze in their tracks for a second.
"Shouldn't we go help the others!?" Jiwoo whispered.
"Are you crazy!? Yeji is out there with a fucking gun!" Ryujin whispered back aggressively.
"I say we jump out the window!" Ryujin walked over and opened the bedroom window.
"And leave the others to die!? No!" Jiwoo argued. Jiwoo moved the large drawer from the door and opened the door, running out the bedroom to help the others.

"Jiwoo no!" Ryujin yelled. She ran after Jiwoo to prevent her from going any further. Grabbing a hold of her upper arm.
"Let go of me! We cannot leave the others to die!"
Jiwoo tried to tug her arm away from her.

Ryujin was about to say something back until she saw the masked killer sprinting towards Jiwoo.
"Jiwoo!" Is all Ryujin could scream.
Jiwoo turned around as the killer penetrated the knife into Jiwoo's lower abdomen. Jiwoo gasped hard out loud as the killer took the knife out her. A huge blood spot forming as she fell onto the floor.

The killer then turned its attention to Ryujin and started chasing after her.
The killer chased her all the way down the hallway and down the stairs.

Ryujin ran as fast as she could down the stairs as she felt the killer gaining onto her but she was moving so fast her legs couldn't keep up with her speed anymore causing her to fall midway down the stairs and tumble all the way to the bottom.
Her back hitting hard on the wooden floor, knocking the wind out of her.
Her vision blurred for a bit before becoming focused again.

Ryujin groaned and coughed out loud. Slowly wincing in pain as she slowly sat up. Her back aching a bit. She got up onto her feet and realized the killer wasn't chasing her anymore, no longer behind her. Matter of fact it was now completely silent.
Ryujin turned behind her and saw the front door.

She made a run for it and unlocked the door but heard footsteps retreat behind her.
"Open that door and I blow your brains out." Yeji spoke.
Ryujin froze and slowly started backing up from the door, slowly turning around and seeing Yeji aim the gun up at her.

Yeji smirked at seeing how shaken up Ryujin was.
Trembling and crying.
"Nice knowing you Shin Ryujin." She pulled the trigger.
But a bullet didn't release. The gun only clicked.
Yeji tried pulling the trigger over and over but the gun kept clicking.
"Fuck!!!" Yeji yelled in frustration.
Ryujin turned around and ran back to the front door but Yeji charged after and grabbed her by her hair.
Slamming Ryujin face into the door.

Ryujin screamed her lungs out as she felt her nose crack and blood gushing out. Yeji threw her onto the floor and started kicking her continuously. As Yeji kicked her over and over Ryujin had finally grabbed a hold of her left leg and bit it.
She bit her leg so hard her teeth sunk deep into her flesh, drawing blood from her leg as Yeji let out a painful cry.
Yeji kicked her hard in the stomach with her right leg as retaliation.

Yeji got on top of her and wrapped her fingers tight around her neck. Ryujin started coughing and gagging as Yeji held her fingers tighter around her neck.

Ryujin grabbed a hold of her wrists, continuing to gag and choke as Yeji pressed her thighs tighter onto Ryujin's waist her so she wouldn't get off.
(A/n: You ever see in sex scenes from movies/shows where they are on top in like a riding type of position...yea its like that💀)

Yeji put more strength into choking Ryujin.

"Give in Ryujin..." Yeji grunted.
Ryujin eyes started rolling in the back of her head.
"That's right... Give in to me..." She gritted through her teeth with a large smile.

With one last attempt, Ryujin poked her index and middle finger harshly into Yeji's left eye. Yeji loosened her grip and with full strength, Ryujin grabbed Yeji by the head and headbutt her.
Yeji fell off of her, holding her head in pain.
"Fuck Ryu!!" She moaned in pain as she rubbed the middle of her forehead in small circles.

Ryujin got up and was planning on running to the basement.
The basement was connected to the garage and the garage had a door that led to outside so that was Ryujin's plan to escape through.

Ryujin started running but got stopped by the other masked killer.
Ryujin screamed and went to the other side but was stopped by another killer. This killer had blood on its knife so it must've been the same one that stabbed Jiwoo.

Both of the killers started to corner Ryujin.
Yeji joined them with an emotionless expression. Standing in the middle

The killer on the left side of Yeji finally took off its mask.
Revealing Lia.
The killer on the right side of Yeji finally took off its mask.
Revealing Sullyoon.

Yeji, Sullyoon, and Lia are the killers.

Find out what happens next chapter ;)

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