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"What!? What do you mean the killer isn't there anymore!??"
Ryujin screamed at police.

"I'm sorry but nobody is in the house except your sister. We checked everywhere around the area of the house and we saw or found nothing." The police officer sat down next to her.

Ryujin started to zone out. Ignoring everything else the officer started to say. Feeling fury and guilt as she is angered the psycho is still out there. Feeling like she could've killed the killer herself at that moment.

"Would you like some tea dear?" Mrs.Jiu kindly offered.
Ryujin shook her head no, still going deep into her thoughts.

"We contacted your mom already. She should be on her way."

Ryujin finally snapped out her thoughts and looked up to him.
"I don't want to stay here! Are you fucking kidding me!? I'm getting out of here!"

Ryujin quickly got up from the dining room chair and walked out the house. Ignoring the officers and Mrs.Jiu calling after her.

Ryujin went outside walking down the porch stairs but got stopped in her tracks by Officer Kim.
"Where do you think you're going Ryujin?" He asked.
"To get my phone so I can call my dad...I'm not staying in this shit town anymore its too traumatic."

"Ok Ryujin let's just talk-"
"Can you just fucking stop!! You're not changing my mind so stop trying to be a fucking peacemaker and let me do what I want to do! I'm calling my dad!"


2 days later

"We're gonna miss you so much Ryujin." kyujin cried as she gave Ryujin a tight embrace one last time.
"You make sure to call" She whispered into her ear.
Ryujin giggled with a bit of sadness to it "I will.I promise."

After Kyujin and Ryujin pulled apart from their hug the rest of the girls gave a group hug.


Ryujin's dad honked the car, indicating that it was time to go.
Ryujin waved goodbye one last time to all of them with tears in her eyes before walking across the street and putting her bags in the trunk and hopping into the passenger seat of her dad's car.

As her dad started driving off, Ryujin looked off into the car window continuing to wave and throw up heart fingers. The girls did the same until the car was completely out of sight.

"I'm gonna miss her so bad." Jiwoo said.
"Same..." Yeji said.

"Everything's just gonna feel so weird than it already is." Chaeryeong said.

"Well I think I have something that will maybe cheer you guys up..I'm throwing a party. Its sort of like a memorial for Bae and also just to relieve some of our stress about this whole thing" Lily spoke.

"A party...in the middle of a murderer on the loose....have you not watch any slasher movies?" Kyujin looked at her with a crazed look on her face.

"What? I already posted on Instagram and plenty of people from school are sliding up." Lily looked around clueless to everyone.

Haewon rolled her eyes with a sigh, walking up to Lily and harshly shoulder bumping her. "You're so fucking stupid Lily." Haewon muttered under her breath, hopping into her car and driving off.

"Yea I don't really know about a party at this time..." Yeji fiddled with her fingers.

"A party can't hurt that bad I guess." Chaeryeong nervously smiled. Lily smiled brightly at her feeling relieved that someone doesn't hate her idea.

"I'll only go if you guys go." Jiwoo spoke.

"Same." Lia agreed.

After enough convincing from Lily everyone agreed to go.

Meanwhile, Three of the girls had secretly pulled out their phones while everyone else wasn't paying attention.
Pulling up a groupchat with only the three of them.

Killer 1
A party???omg I swear this is gonna be so fun!!!

                                                                                  Killer 2
Yep. I already have a lot of brilliant kills that I want to do. I'm still pissed that Ryujin escaped from me though. Ugh I so wish I could've gut that bitch up like I did her sister🙄

Killer 1
Anybody you have in particular you want to kill at the party?

                                                                                Killer 2
                                                                     No. Not yet.
Killer 3
I do. We'll talk more when home.

           Omg 3 killers??😱 who could be the mastermind?
                           Next chapter will have gore😏

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