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"Hello there SunnyDale citizens! I'm your news reporter Wendy Lu reporting here at Sunny High School. Today I unfortunately have some heartbreaking information to break out to the public that occurred here yesterday at Sunny High.
Two Junior students that attended here, Jang Wonyoung and Shin Yuna were brutally attacked yesterday evening at around 4:00. Police suspects that the person that attacked the two students is the same person that also killed 17-year old
Y/n. Unfortunately Wonyoung died and was announced dead at the scene since reports say she was stabbed 8 times in the neck area while Yuna has thankfully survived the attack and is currently under critical condition at the hospital. Here's what the officer who claims that he even saw the killer has to say." The reporter spoke in front of the school while a bunch of police cars and detectives were around. There was even yellow tape taped all around the crime area where the attack happened.

"Yes my name is Officer Kim and I was there when it happened. At first I was checking the hallways when I heard a lot of commotion and screaming downstairs in the locker room. I went to check it and as soon as I was about to open the door the criminal had punched and ran away. We suspect that they had ran to the back and snuck out but the killer had on this shadowy gown with a mask on that had like a ghost on it. Then when I entered the locker room I saw two girls laying on the floor bleeding but only one survived. I don't know who's doing this but we will find them eventually." Officer Kim spoke into the microphone.

"Police says that there is huge possibility of a serial killer on the loose. They advise everyone to be home before 8 make sure doors are locked and secure and if you are student police strongly advise for students to walk in pairs after school until they are safe in home.This is your reporter Wendy Lu signing out."

At Jinni's house

It was Jinni, Yeji, Lia, Haewon, Bae, and Ryujin at Jinni's house.

"Well I just got off the phone with my mom and they say school is completely cancelled until further notice and they catch the criminal but they're holding a vigil for Wonyoung tomorrow night at school in the football field. I'm down to go if you guys and the rest are." Jinni said flopping down the couch, sitting next to Bae.

"I guess.." Ryujin nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders.
"You guys what are we going to do!? Yuna almost died yesterday and she really needs our support." Yeji said.

"She's right." Haewon agreed. "I say we go to the hospital and just give Yuna support and comfort. She MUST be traumatized."

"Ok well all in favor to go to the hospital later tonight to visit her?" Lia looked around and everyone nodded in agreement to go.
"Ok cool it's settle then. Well in meantime I gotta get home." Lia got up and grabbed her stuff.

"Why so sudden?" Jinni asked.
"Its my mom I promised her I would be home by 3 from now on. I'll see you chicks later byeee!" Lia waved before walking out the front door. Jinni followed and locked it.

Later that night at Jinni's house

The doorbell rung. Jinni was putting on her finishing touches of her outfit before getting up and getting the door.
She opened it and it revealed Lia with Kai.
"Hey Lee!" She greeted Lia with the nickname she gave her.
"Oh hey Kai... What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Kai had hit me up saying he wanted to come with to see Yuna." Lia smiled.
"Hm..I see." Jinni nodded her head slowly.
"I hope its not too much." Kai glanced around nervously.
"No not all." Jinni put on a fake smile before welcoming the two in.

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